Sunsets on the Red Sea

The Red Sea is the inner sea of the Indian Ocean, located between the Arabian Peninsula and Africa. The city of Sharm el-Sheikh is a resort in Egypt on the Red Sea coast. This is a great place for scuba diving. Clean, warm water and amazing sunsets. My friend sent me these beautiful photos. I'm happy to share with you the beauty of the sea.


What can I say? Of course, beautiful photos and it is clear that the person who made them a great master of his craft. It's nice to see professional photos.

Hi @always1success! You have received 0.1 SBD tip + 0.02 SBD @tipU from @pusteblume :)

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Aww. So romantic

Thank you for rating!

how dos thi work

Seeing a very beautiful sunset in Egypt is very beautiful pictures amazing @always1success

I am dreaming of a summer night now ... Tip!

you are an artist...very nice photo!!!

lovely romantic shots love this

@always1success Amazing pictures! I love it ♥

Thank you for rating!

Wow! Stunning photographs @always1success! Congratulations

This post has received a 0.78 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @always1success.

Very picturesque photos! Sunsets are some of my favorite pictures of nature.

I really like this pic. Amazing

The shot of Abalone is a premium pic.
The top one caught my eye, first -- peaceful looking #sunset.

Ain't #NATURE grand...

(Upvote deserved) Take care

Thank you for rating!

This is so amazing, i like it.

Really a nice view

You got some great photos there. Must've been amazing to see in person.

Thank you for sharing! :)

Wow! Amazing pictures :)

Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos of your friend.

Nice sunset

The glass-like sea is beautiful. In the Navy we would see a glass-like sea on occasion typically accompanied by dolphins along side or diving under the ship. Sometime we would swim with them.

The abalone on the patterned sandy shore feeds my eyes, longing for that much water to see once again,
Thank you.

I love nature photography...! Good one

Thank you for sharing!!!

Red sea, it's a beautiful scenery. I thought that the color of the sea is red..

Incredibly beautiful sunsets shot, must pay this place a visit in near future...

Always one success
Everyday I like your post but why you do not like my post !?if you like, my post. I would like you..@bestrakibul2

Wow, perfect timing I'd say. I just sat and stared for a minute or two, felt like I was there, thank you.

Lovely photos. I like it.

red sea..........

I've always been fascinated by the horizon.


Thank-you for YOUR awesome support!!!


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A Cool Morning Gratitude Session
Apologies For Slow Up-Voting


Source: Picture300

Great pics, 1 and 3 are my favorites :-)

great work, beautiful pics

Great shots. I love great sunrise and sunset shots especially :)

wow wow wow!!!! especially for the 2nd one. perfecto mi amigo
it will be my first resteemed post

Who is this "friend" that gets to travel the world and take photos yet doesn't post themselves?

Looks dreamy. Nice post. I need a vacation!! Lol

These photos are so beautiful! I fell in love ♥

You make bauetiful picture 👍

Wow, so beautiful! :D

Magnificent photos The first photo is beautiful and the second captures my attention completely @always1success.

Beautiful view.