Hang Out at Night to The Tourist Park

in #photography6 years ago


I took a photo of this photo with a friend when stopped at a park available in the city of Bogor. we are interested to stop by for a moment to immortalize the moment together after the iftar together. as I noticed when I was there. I feel happy to stop for a moment to see the nice buildings that have been built here. we stopped at two places, namely to Tugu Kujang and Taman Sempur. okay as usual, i want to present some photos of my activities with friends. hopefully useful and give insight to steemians friends. this is the tourist place I visited, which tourist place you visit ???

Saya mengambil foto foto ini bersama teman ketika mampir di taman yang tersedia di kota bogor. kami tertarik untuk mampir sesaat untuk mengabadikan momen bersama sepulang buka puasa bersama. seperti yang saya perhatikan ketika saya berada disana. saya merasa senang bisa singgah sesaat melihat bangunan-bangunan bagus yang telah di bangun disini. kami singgah di dua tempat, yaitu ke Tugu Kujang dan Taman Sempur. baiklah seperti biasa, saya ingin menyajikan beberapa foto kegiatan saya bersama teman. semoga bermanfaat dan memberi wawasan untuk teman teman steemians. ini tempat wisata yang ku kunjungi, mana tempat wisata yang kamu kunjungi ???









These photos were taken by Canon Morrorless Eos M100
Stop Wishing Start Doing !!!



Logo KSI.png


Nice Pictures :D

thanks man, enjoy it :)