Here is a picture I took in Crete.
It was actually the view from a petrol station. It was really quite a view.
It was taken on my Sony Xperia Z3.
100% my own picture
Here is a picture I took in Crete.
It was actually the view from a petrol station. It was really quite a view.
It was taken on my Sony Xperia Z3.
100% my own picture
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AmazedWow ... Very good photos, you have amazing photography talent. Keep up your skills. One day you must be a great photographer. Be assured of that. Because with confidence and effort will surely materialize by itself. Thank you for sharing @alexrickard86
Thank you very much for your kind words
Beautiful view!
Thanks @pepe.maya you'd never believe it was the view from a petrol station would you! You'd pay millions for a view like that in most countries
Great shot! I follow you now, follow back for the love of photography and check out my blog
Carpe diem
amazing picture :)
beautiful view :)
good one :)
Thank you very much!
Nice view :)
Thank you very much 😀
Wow, so deep blue! Thanks for sharing ;)
And thank you 😀