Hello there. I haven't been posting on the photo tag for a while. I traveled a little bit today. I took a few photos during the trip. I wanted to share what I liked among you.
These photos were taken just half an hour after the above. It seems as if the seasonal conditions are completely changing in a short distance.
These two photos are from a nice stopover that serves tea on the road in summer.
Note: The translation was done by google translation. Photos were taken with my own camera.
Neresi burası karlar içinde 🙄
Karlı taraf Toroslar'ın İç Anadolu'ya bakan tarafları, diğer tarafta Akdeniz'e bakan tarafları. 😄
Çok güzel, uzun yolculuk gibisi de yoktur 😁
Evet, uzun yollara bayağı alıştım. Seviyorum uzaklara sürmeyi 😄
Yardımcı şoför lazım yine de çok çok uzunsa 😂