Photographer and traveler Kiu Wee Loon (Keow Wee Loong) from Bangkok said in his facebook as entered in the Fukushima exclusion zone
Never seen before photo of the fukushima exclusion zone. When i enter the red zone, i can feel a burning sensation in my eyes and thick chemical smell in the air. before i went there the authority told me that i need a special permit to visit this town and it take 3-4 weeks to get the approval from the local council,, well too much bureaucracy bullshit for i just sneak in the forest to avoid cops on the road ...AND IT WAS AMAZING !!!!!, I still remember what is like to only have a GPS and google map walking in the wood at 2am in the morning to get into the town of okuma,futaba and namie.
Traveler's surprised that the city was not looted, unlike Chernobyl
Everything is exactly where it is after the earthquake struck this town . the reident started to evacuate the town when tsunami warning came in ....hours later the fukushima daichi power plant exploded that lead to harmful radiation leaked.
The radiation level is still very high in the red zone. not many people seen this town for the last 5 like it vanished ... i can find food,money,gold,laptop and other valuable in the red zone....I'm amaze that nobody looted this town clean. unlike chernobyl the entire town is been looted clean. this is the difference between chernobyl disaster and the fukushima disaster
although we do not know the radiation level is low enough for your body to get, but this photo show us that the photographer risk his own life to get the beautiful photo.
What is radiation level here?
I upvoted you.
Wow! Very eerie, but fascinating (in a creepy, haunting sort of way). I wonder if the photographers experienced any effects as a result of the leftover radiation?