Waterfall : The Layer of White Silk

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

Let me take you to enjoy these following pictures of waterfall along with short descriptions. This natural object can make everybody love to experience its amazing drop that gushed from the rocks. In common range, it is surging and plunging down the mountain. This is not huge waterfall, but it is good to see the vaneer clear. Falling as smoothly as the syrup which creates a wonderful sound of nature.


As normal waterfall, its characteristic still remain in common, white water cascade down a series of rocky, producing the effect just like of many other waterfalls. Obviously, it is not as huge as well known waterfall in the world, but for us, it is enough to serve us with its easy look that I could experience from its way, nonchalant, as if had nothing difference with other gigantic waterfalls.


As the water tumbled down, the water appeared like a white layer silk from the series of this mini-waterfall. I imagined once I was caught up with this sight that this place was kind of places where the beautiful creatures might live. As a common waterfall, the rock that has become its passing way became slippery and I had to be careful when I crossed. Indeed, it was not as gentle as the artificial waterfall you might see, it was sort of the waterfall where the torrents of water keep pouring from the low-level rock gently down to the small pool that was ready to welcome its collective drop.


In the distance, amid the black rocks, there was a curtain of white water that reflected the white strip and separated in difference direction, later on, it would be gathered in a giant bucket that never emptied. That was the only the waterfall the natives had mentioned. Their spirits soared by the time they touched this land.

Location : Blang Kulam, Aceh Utara, Aceh, Indonesia

Camera : Nikon D7000
Lens : VR II



air terjun blang kolam memang sangat indah, apalagi kita pergi ketempat yang ada tangganya, sungguh melelahkan naik tangganya, salam hormat dari saya @rudirach dan salam KSI semoga sukses

ya, rncannya kesitu, tapi waktu sudh terlalu sore, jdi kami memilih tempat ini, air terjun rayap. Salam sukses juga dan salam KSI

Pinginlah berwisata ke tempat air terjun tersebut, tapi waktu belum bersahabat. Mantap bang sepertinya airnya dingin dan bersih. Sukses terus buat @abduhawab

Beautiful waterfall! I would like to have a fence to get under it and spend all day there, and leave completely renewed. It is a privilege to enjoy it.

yep, that is good to have privilege where we can freely enjoy the drop beats. So, lets have fence :D

Tempat yang indah dan menakjubkan

keren banget photonya bang...

hhaha....that na teuh :D

Terakhir kali saya melihat air terjun sekitar 2 tahun lalu di blang kulam. Ingin rasanya bisa menikmati pemandangan seperti lagi di tempat yang berbeda.

Aceh memiliki banyak panorama alam yang indah, salah satunya di Blang Kulam. Waaaaw.

Lama juga saya eggak pernah ke blang kulam, kalau saya liat sekarang perubahannya sangat signifikan dan terkesan mewah, glamour dan asri, karena perpaduan alamnya dengan polesan tangan dingin sang master. Sukses selalu pak @abduhawab selamat menyonsong bulan suci, mohon dima'afkan segala kesalahan saya pak

Air terjun salah satu wahana yang paling banyak pengunjungnya. Dengan airnya yang sejuk bikin hati tenang.

Semoga panjang umur bang @abduhawab. Sehat selalu bang.

Apalah dayaku bang. Aneuk rinyeun jih get that di ilanya lon yang punya ija krong di keu kwkwkwkw. Tapi setelah sampai ke situs air terjun tersebut, beeeuhhhhh. Rasajih han ta tem jak wo le hehehehe

Air Terjun yang sangat Indah Salam KSI @abduhawab dan Selamat Menjalankan Ibadah Puasa 1439 Hijriah.

Steemit Puasa.JPG

sungguh saya terhanyut dalam suasana alam yang sendu, air terjun seolah mengalir lembut , sesekali bercengkerama dengan bebatuan yang kemudian menciptakan gemercikan butiran air putih bening.

Saya sangat menyukai dan menikmati foto keren anda bang @abduhawab. Selamat menikmati sie reuboh hari meugang.

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Bereh dan lisek laju laju bg @abduhawab drokuh. Hehehe..