I must tell everyone about Gurushots!

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Hey there readers of the world (that's you)

I'd like to write a little piece but first I must mention that I'm not being paid to write anything about Gurushots...However, if you do decide to sign up for the platform through this link, I'll get a little 'in-game' boost.

SOoooOoOo what's this about?

Gurushots shots offers photographers of all types a place to enter photo contests to win prizes and rank up on the game like platform. Fairwarning, if you are any bit competitive, this will become chronically addicting for you.

How it works in a nutshell

  1. User (X) chooses a contest he or she is interested
  2. Submit anywhere from 1-4 photos to the chosen contest
  3. You and the whole community then votes on each others images
  4. Wait for the contest to finish and hope you place well

But wait, there's more! More!? YES MOOOORE.

During the contest duration you will automatically receive a certain amount of exposure. You can boost your exposure every 24 hours or so by continuing to vote. You don't have to vote, but it is definitely to your advantage. I personally have found it really fun to vote on others images. It also helps me brainstorm and come up with my own new ideas. It has become really addicting to see how I place in a world full of talented people.

Guru Account Level Ranking System Break Down

Newbie --> Rookie --> Challenger --> Advanced --> Veteran --> Expert --> Champion --> Master --> Guru

With each contest finish you will gain GS points and perks depending on how you placed. I have managed to move up to advanced so far but I still have a long road ahead of me. What's the incentive? Well, if you're competitive and want to look and vote on work that's incentive enough. However, if you make it to Guru you are granted permission to host your very own contests.

Contest Placement Ranking System

NOT RANKED --> Popular Level --> Skilled Level --> Premier Level --> Elite Level --> All-Star

As you receive votes on your images you will climb up through the ranks. I personally have not hit All-Star yet but I have landed in Elite a few times. I will hit All-Star at some point I do hope! Playing the game does inspire me to raise the bar because some of the work is so...damn...good.

Basically this is a really fun platform with ranking and photography merged together to give it a fun yet competitive edge.

This is what the account Dashboard looks like.
Screenshot 2017-07-17 22.33.28.jpg

The main areas have been highlighted. Hopefully what I'm showing makes sense! I must also mention swaps, boosts and keys. These are some of the things you can expect to win from any contest you participate in.

Swaps: They allow you to swap an image out for one that may do better then your current contender
Boosts: Boosts allow you to pick an image to give a little something extra to its exposure meter
Keys: These bad boys let you unlock a boost window that is only available during a certain time frame

This is the achievement panel. You can see what I have earned and which contests I have participated in.
Screenshot 2017-07-17 22.42.35.png

Sample of Open Contests
Screenshot 2017-07-17 22.47.24.png

I hope this post gives you some incentive to try it out! I have had a lot of fun with the platform and have been using it for a couple of weeks.

Gurushots Signup


really like the photo

Nice aaronjarnigan. Thanks for sharing.

So once you achieved "Guru" status what's next?