think about it for a long time before you invest any time or money to become a truck driver.
Robots are taking over the job as we speak.
it takes a LOT of experience to pull heavy haul...and I do not think that newbies will have time to gain it.
The robots will put the 'old timers' out of a job..some of them will move to heavy haul...the rest will find other jobs or retire..
You are right. In short time the truck will drive by himself or by an robot . But I think a robot will never be as good as a human is . Man put passion in his work robot never . Have an nice ride and give a horn for me
think about it for a long time before you invest any time or money to become a truck driver.
Robots are taking over the job as we speak.
it takes a LOT of experience to pull heavy haul...and I do not think that newbies will have time to gain it.
The robots will put the 'old timers' out of a job..some of them will move to heavy haul...the rest will find other jobs or retire..
not looking real good for 'new hires'.
You are right. In short time the truck will drive by himself or by an robot . But I think a robot will never be as good as a human is . Man put passion in his work robot never . Have an nice ride and give a horn for me