One of the best and most treasured experiences I had while in was visiting the Koala's both in the wild and at the Steve Irwin Zoo.
They are so very cute and cuddly. I realize that many people have their opinions about them but I truly enjoyed my time with them and how great it was.
Due to them feeding constantly on eucalyptus causing them to be drugged or high most of the time. This "high" state puts them into some pretty comical sleeping positions and once they actually start moving its almost like they are sleep walking or drunk.
If you ever get an opportunity to spend some time with these truly unique creatures please do. Their habitat in the wild is shrinking but they are still surviving in many areas.
Thanks for reading.
For more stories and images -
really sweet :)
They are pretty amazing creatures! Unfortunately, these guys' number is going down every year. They, unfortunately, are widely affected by Chlamydia which is the biggest killer of these beautiful animals :-/
The Australia Zoo is a very well done zoo in my opinion and they have a rescue sanctuary within the zoo, I guess all to the memory of Steve Irwin who was a lover of wildlife.
It's hard to spot these guys in nature (you often spot some in Noosa)! Often they are very high up in their trees and you can only see a small ball stuck between branches ahaha!
Your photos @scottdphoto are amazing! We are doing a series on Queensland photos this week and funny I have picked one of our Koala photo too in an awkward position :-)
Really they are very cute and your photography also nice,thanks to share.
So lovely and cute babe you got a shot of. Beauties of Mother Nature.
What beautiful and very tender ..
Such wonderful and cute animals
Such wonderful and cute animals
Damn! They look so amazing, but somewhat scary. Thanks for sharing this with us. I never knew such a creature existed.
Nice pic with good detail. Koala is a very interesting australian marsupial, very close related to the kangaroos.
Con razón esos sinvergüenzas duermen hasta 22 horas diarias.
Saludos y Gracias por las fotografías
I'd love to hold a koala. They sleep 22 hours a day, eat eucalyptus leaves and just hang out. I want to spend some time with that guy. I am please to see your post, its really amazing for as I love Koala too much. I am thankful for your efforts.
Awww!! it's really sweet as it sleeps.
This is the cutest thing I've seen all week, and it's just begun!
Adorable, especially when they are sleeping. How amazing it must have been to be able to witness them in person.
Awww they are cute, I had no idea that eucalyptus caused that!
Wow it's so very cute I love it what name of this animals
I like it so much your post sir it's so very cute....
cute koala 😍
Wooow, really amazing pics! Thanks for sharing them with us!