There are many brands of motorcycles among motorists. Which one is best? Does not matter. It's important friendship
SLO Med motorji je veliko razlicnih znamk, vendar kateri motor je najboljsi? Ni pomembno, steje le prijateljstvo. !
It's not a motor, but it's a nice example of an old-timer
SLO It's not a motor, but it's a nice example of an old-timer
Rafting on the river Drava and Gold ;-)
SLO Splav na reki Dravi in Golda ;-)
Friend and his Harley along with my love- ;-)
SLO Prijatelj in njegov Harley skupaj z mojo ljubeznijo- ;-)
Harley or Goldwing, who is stronger
SLO Harley ali Goldwing, kdo je mocnejsi
Harley or Goldwing 2
Harley or Goldwing A strong friendship
SLO HD ali Golda Mocno prijateljstvo
I am writing all the comments in English and in the sLOVEnian language
Vse komentarje pisem v Angleskem in sLOVEnskem jeziku
All photos are my author's by Postar13 :-)
Vse fotografije so moje avtorske by Postar13 :-)
With these translations, someone can have quick language learning course ;-)
Great post and some awesome bikes. No helmet laws there eh
guiltyparties, even with us, the use of the helmet is regulated by law. Of course, we do not wear it when taking pictures :-) The wind in the hair is just a memory on a good old time. But it's safety in the first place
Yeah I gotcha man, right on.
I have a lot of my own photographic photographs and I will be happy to share them with those who would like to see them