Hi All!
One of the subjects/shots I am collecting are natural abstract art.
As I am saying - nature is a great artist.
Abstract art found and taken from natural places in all forms - stones, rocks, sand, vegetation, water, ice, mud... or just a mix of all of them.
The beauty of patterns, colors, shapes are working on my imagination.
I hope this gallery will have positive influence also on Yours imagination :).
Have a nice time watching!
And have a great weekend!
My NFT collection - https://opensea.io/collection/lofoten-shoreline-paradise
Calendars 2022 - Available at https://www.asphotovisions.com/calendars-2022
Places to visit:
My YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW6Bp19byFzuxhFQwf8WjNQ
My web site: https://www.asphotovisions.com/
My insta: https://www.instagram.com/photo_visions/
My FB fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/AdrianSzatewiczPhotovisions/
My 35Photo: https://35photo.pro/adrianszatewicz
My 500px site: https://500px.com/photovisions_by_adrianszatewicz
Remember! Upvoting, Sharing and Following are the best way to show the authors that You like their work!
Looks so wonderful. So calm and very details. great work dear
Thank You! Natural wonders :).
Świetne foty ,takie detale natury są naprawę ładne , szczególnie przypadł mi do gustu śnieg. Pozdrawiam :)
Dzięki, takich inspiracji wkoło niezliczona wręcz ilość, czasem ciężko się powstrzymać przed cykaniem takich rzeczy ;).