The blind Buck and the ancient Oaks

in #photofeed4 years ago

Encounter with mystic powers


The blind Buck and the ancient Oaks

Visiting the biggest living trees in Germany (just behind the buck) in the northern part of Germany you'll see also wild-living animals not shy of humans. This half-blind Fallow deer buck with no fear it approached us, yet keeping a relatively safe distance to escape if we would move rapidly. We can only speculate who the stag was facing. Was it in a fight with another male competitor for the females? Or was it a wolf?


The park is located near the town of Stavenhagen, right by the village called Ivenack. The Ivenacker Oaks became famous for their size and age and because the oaks were not destroyed during the last days of the war.

Up to 35m tall and more than 11m circumferences on chest height, these trees are monumental. That's what they have now also become some years ago. A natural monumant.


So beautiful

Thank you so much. Glad you stopped by our blog.

Nice tree!

Your photos are stunning! The first photo though really tells something powerful about nature.