Hiking on Fajal
Here is a little escape for you on a Sunday afternoon.
Haven't been posting for a while. Sorry for that. Life has been full of challenges. Nothing dramatic but demanding. Yet there is time for reflection and great memories that calm the mood and put a smile on your face. Here we share some wonderful memories.
In the middle of the Atlantic ocean is a group of 9 islands known as the Azores. Last year we went on a trip to visit 3 of these gems. Hiking and exploring what nature has to offer.
Make the start a little easy
Getting halfway up the volcano and hiking around a few calderas to get the million-dollar view. All around a fascinating view, one wonders where to look first. The camera goes click click ...
Remember where you go up you have to come down to. And for sure vice versa. You can make the decision in what order you want to demand performance from your body. (Bring water even when it is not super hot!)
Fresh air for the lungs and lush green for the eyes
Hiking through the lush green forest and the bushes the air is filling our lungs with oxygen and happiness. Doing all that with great friends makes it all the more worth it.
Mother natures forces
The weather changes from sun to cloudy to rain in a blink of an eye and we can experience the power of nature. Not just the weather itself but see what the planet can do.
New Lands
Earth is still active here and is still forming the island as we read this. Subtle little movement or a huge eruption all at once. This is not long ago! New parts of the island extend into the ocean.
Where did we hike? On the western side of the island are a few hikes around the calderas of the volcanos. Almost swiss cheese like the earth has a few holes. Super exciting to see mother earth shaping our living room.
With Covid numbers rising again only European travels may be on the menu for us during the next few months. With the Azores in our memory this may well be another time up for another exploration trip.
That would be wonderful.
It was a pretty good day with all the peoples there and find lots of adventure, experience too, this is another !LUV for all of you.
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You made my day!Thank you very much @qurator and @brumest