PhotoFeed Contest - Macro Photography Round 95. Капли на иллюминаторе - Drops on the porthole

in #photofeed4 months ago
Всем привет! Hello everyone!
Эти фотографии я сделала в самолете 23 июня 2024 года. Мы с друзьями возвращались из Калининграда. Меня любезно посадили к иллюминатору. Вдоволь насмотревшись на удаляющуюся землю, а затем на море облаков, я обратила внимание на этот замечательный узор из капелек. I took these photos on a plane on June 23, 2024. My friends and I were flying back from Kaliningrad. I was kindly seated by the window. Having looked long enough at the receding land, and then at the sea of clouds, I noticed this wonderful pattern of droplets.

click on the image to see a bigger version of it

Мы уже летели высоко. За бортом, конечно, было гораздо холоднее, чем на земле. Между стеклами сконденсировались капли воды. Я их сфотографировала и какое-то время с интересом рассматривала. We were already flying high. It was, of course, much colder outside than on the ground. Droplets of water had condensed between the glass. I took a photo of them and looked at them with interest for a while.
В середине капли более крупные, к краям – все более мелкие. Но и в середине между крупными каплями узоры из совсем маленьких. The drops in the middle were larger, and towards the edges they were increasingly smaller. But even in the middle, between the large drops, there were patterns of very small ones.

click on the image to see a bigger version of it

1ую фотографию я представляю на конкурс PhotoFeed Contest - Macro Photography Round 95 от @photofeed This is my entry to PhotoFeed Contest - Macro Photography Round 95 hosted by @photofeed

Camera Sony RX-100.

300 (7).png


Sending Love and Ecency Curation Vote!
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Thank you!

Thank you!

All the best in the contest my friend. I think the first place is yours. ; )

Thank you! We'll find out soon. :)