I'm glad I bumped into your blog, what a wonderful description of your journey. I haven't had the pleasure to visit Morocco yet, so I only know what people can know from TV and books.
I understand that people don't want to be photographed, but I don't understand why they don't like people photographing places, buildings etc. What are they afraid of, or what are they trying to hide?
The other odd thing is they want to misguide you. Why? What is there for them to gain? It's strange but that's another world, another culture.
The photos are absolutely stunning. You did a great job capturing the beauty of the place.
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I think most people just didn't know I didn't want to photograph them even though I was just interested in photographing architecture. As soon as the camera comes out there is a chance that they end up in a photo and they don't want this. I think one problem is that many photographers will snap photos of them anyways, even if they don't want it. Hence they get easily annoyed, which is understandable. But for me this made it harder to even take normal cityscape or architecture photos.
Crowded streets and places makes your job harder ans there's no way to avoid photographing people even though you want to photograph only the buildings. Let's how they will change in time ans will be less suspicious.