is it spring yet?

in #photofeed7 years ago

Today I walked with Abbey and John along our favorite path. I was determined to find some evidence of spring. We still have snow on the ground and there are no signs at our house or in our garden so I went hunting for some.

The weather is mild and there were plenty of little black gnats that make small tornadoes and fly into noses, eyes or mouths. Terrible little insects.

With camera in tow and all set to get some macro shots of budding flowers and trees, we walked several blocks before I saw anything. The first thing I noticed was snow, seriously. Snow. There is less of it now but still, I wanted to see green and yellow and purples.

Finally, near the end of our walk, spring appeared - a host of tiny yellow crocus in bloom. We'll settle for this.

Spring forever appears the soothing music part of lyrics unspoken.
It thaws the frozen fears,
mends the wounded heart
that Winter has broken.
Aarno Davidson

CameraNikon D3100
LensNikkor AF-S 18mm-55mm f/3.5 -36G
SettingsISO200 | 50mm | f/1.8 | 1/4000s
LocationWaterdown, Ontario

©All rights reserved, 2018


Nice shot of the crocus! It looks like you got a nice, low angle, too. Still no flowers here, and I'm jealous! I did see some buds on the trees, though. It's a start...

I did!! I got my knees and elbows muddy!! I did see buds but I was having some color aberrations bc I kept my lens too wide and it was sunny. I wondered why I had this purple fringe and it was driving me crazy. @alcibiades helped me with that one. I'm telling you, I learn so much on here from you guys.

You can have my flowers if you like :)

Did you check @daveks post? You might want to💫💫💫

I was out in the yard today looking and found that the young green grass is starting to push up through the brown dead grass.I also walked right into one of those little black tornados of gnats,I hate those things.Tomorrow an even better day.Happy Spring!!

Happy Spring to you too!! You know exactly what I'm talking about - those little gnats. Ick.
You have grass growing? Oh, I'll check tomorrow then. We still have snow on our roof! But we are expecting nice weather all week so hope floats!!

This photo would cheer up anyone! I love crocus flowers but hardly see them. You are a lucky countrygirl 😊

It is almost the end of April and still no much spring showing itself. The little bunch of crocus is really beautiful though, so perhaps spring is fighting its way in.

I think so @cecicastor. I even took some photos of snow but didn't have the heart to post them. I love being able to see the crocus' happy little faces :)

Such beautiful colours, I love spring ❤

Me too!!! If would just stay for a visit I'd appreciate it. Thanks for stopping by!

Here's hoping you find more and more evidence of spring. I think we will go right from winter into summer. But I won't complain. I love the sun and heat.

Yes.!!!! Please!!

The perfect photo to celebrate spring!! It makes me feel good right down to my toes! Winter HAS broken!

It has!! Tomorrow is another fine day....we'll be getting out again. Glad you like my crocuses. I had to walk 2.5 miles to find them. Crazy eh? I still have snow on my roof!

Beautiful! I love crocus, something about the way they pop out just when you need them after winter. Before you know it spring will show its face, winter to be forgotten for another year. I remember, winter always seeming to drag on until the bitter end!

I am so glad it's finally Spring! I need to see sunshine!

Terrible little insects.

Truth, lol.

We are on our 114th day or so of January as well. Spring is starting to show a few of its greens, purples and yellows though.

Lovely shot you took of those yellow crocus. One can always tell a good photographer by how well they balance the image - nicely done, Ms Deb.

Aw..thanks so much Lydon. I'm glad you appreciated the photo. I had a bad photography day today - like a bad hair day kind of thing. We just were not seeing "eye to eye" :)

Lol, well I know you’ll bounce back next time.

Interesting that you have gnats, I figured those little beasts only liked it pretty warm. We've had warmth for a while now, but with it comes an array of insects. The fire ants only took a brief winter hibernation this year. The mosquitos have already begun their tireless work at tormenting mammals until sometime in December.

I am glad you found those cheerful crocuses :)

I'm glad too.....they have happy faces. I'm not looking forward to the humidity because with that comes all kinds of nasty bugs and mosquitoes. Last year they were the largest I've ever seen.

Yes, some years the mosquitoes do get truly intimidating in size :)

I've seen some wearing sunglasses!!!

I'll counter that. Raincoats!

I have no counter!!! Raincoats 😂

Already spring here country girl.

Day of the week

woohoo you dooo got spring Ha ha , what a great yellow full saturaited show you gave us, thank youu :D Make me all warm & fuzzy <3 got to loove the hunt you went on, to find.. Hm 'snow" yeah that we seen. A lot of ^^ :p LOL

Exactly. Woohoo!! It's warm today....I could even open the car window which is nice.

Ha ha love your coment ” even open the car window” lol lets Hope for more heat and spring 😀👍🏻

So lovely!

and you have found the perfect flowers!
walks are always useful :) a very successful shooting dear friend. you always share better pictures on this subject. congratulations :)
Maybe tomorrow we will go with Mustafa. after a long time, there is a day's leave at the end of it ..

Aren't they pretty? Yellow is my favorite color I think. Hope you two get out as well.

At least we have no snow at the moment! Those are really a lovely color!

Yellow is a very happy color. Maybe bc it's like light.

Am glad top know it's finally spring over there

What a beautiful reward after battling the elements in your determination to find evidence of spring. This crocus image is simply divine @countrygirl Enjoy the rest of your weekend and the anticipation of Spring.

I missed this comment happens. How? I have no idea. Anyhow thank you for the support and Im happy that you loved the crocus.

No worries @countrygirl I think it is easy to miss comments from time to time even though I try to be careful. I really love your crocus image. 🌺

Nice and cheerful!

Thanks so much @snooway :)