
I was there approximately 17 years ago and the scenery took my breath away. Beautiful photos!

I suppose I would never cease to photograph in front of such beautiful landscapes... ;-)

My camera was glued on me the entire holiday. Never lost it out of sight. :-P

Pretty hill, sky and lake.

Very nice photos sir I upvoted and resteemed this post have a nice day

You made some truly beautiful photos in British Columbia, @bart230. Nice work!

This all photographs are beautiful.
you travel long distance.
This photos says you are amazing photographer...

Awesome lovely scene you captured in your camera to share with us, I really appreciate to share this wonderful pictures thanks dear

My pleasure!

Great dear most welcome

Great, just wondering in which season you visited BC and took these photos.

Awesome clicks friend really mind blowing 👍

BC sure is beautiful! I have friends and family there, can't wait till my next chance to visit!

Very nice photos. It looks very beautiful place :) I suppose that it deserves to be visited.


The photos are awesome. Very good work mate. Keep that way :)

I like your pictures. je veux y aller. je l'aime.

Thanks a lot!