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RE: Photochallenge Week 4 - Dramatic skies winners.

in #photochallenge7 years ago

im really happy to come third. well done to the 1st and 2nd.
thanks to @rickyjrx for running the competition. great to see so many photographers on steemit.
I want to pay it back n keep this going so ive just sent 7 steem to @rickyjrx to go into the pool for the next rickysphotochallenge .
btw ricky i would be happy to be a future judge if you need 1.

Vote pc for witness.
to vote for me go to : scroll down the page and enter pcste into the box (dont use @sign) then click vote


thank you and a big congrats to you pcste.

Thanks million! You can certainly judge next weeks if you like. Ill msg you on steemit chat if you want with details