My entrance to the world of the photography (UK version)

in #photo8 years ago

Safety the guys, I would like to dash into the photography. I would need piece of information to know which device to buy and accessory that go with it. I envisage can be a career professionelle by opening a blog or by working for marks. If you could give me some advice in comments, it would be nice!


The best camera is the one you have with you. Master that first before buying anything else. Hope that helps @stratored.

The camera in the picture isn't mine ! @myday

I'm sure you have a mobile right? If you need to get your first camera over a mobile phone try the Fujifilm X-T20 as your first camera. it's a great one.

Which camera lens have I need

Fujifilm X-T20 with XF18-55mm

Thank you for your help ! @myday