Animal Birth control

in #photo7 years ago


So why is it its always near Christmas that everything goes wrong.

They say all these things come in threes. Bo&*locks to that. This is more like they come in tens.

I really love my animals, and have a beautiful German Shep rescue called Sasha (Sasha Fierce) although far from fierce. Last April we decided to do the responsible thing and get her spayed; we had no desire to breed her as she is a loving family dog whom shares a home with Smokey the cat whom are best friends (sort of).

Anyways back to the story, we had her spayed in April 2017 and through thank god for that no more doggy knickers (OR SO WE THOUGHT)

It all started when we were on our weekly group walk which has about 15 loopy dogs running mayhem across the green green grass of home, when out of nowhere we catch a boy dog getting rather intimate with Sasha (Oral only). She spent the rest of the walk with her tail between her legs but though nothing more of it.

Over the course of the following few days mysterious spots of blood keep appearing in random places across our brand new carpets, including our nice new striped woollen stairs carpet.

So, three days in we visit the vets and they she can’t possibly be in heat, and that it is more than likely an infection, please pay 75 pounds for the privilege and come back in 7 days if there is no change.

Every day was getting worse!!! I am no vet by this was NOT an infection and most likely her season!!!

So, back to the vets we go, more examinations.

With a hint of subdued regret fullness the vest state that maybe a small portion of ovarian tissue may be left which could be why she is bleeding (REALLY!!!) Anyway they try to take blood to be sent away to test oestrogen levels and Sasha is having none of it.

Sorry sir, we are now going to ask you to pay not only the 75 pounds for the pointless antibiotics last week, but now another 180 pounds for blood tests.

It then turns out Sasha is NO WAY going to give them blood even with four of us holding her down. The vet then says she will have to sedate Sasha to get the blood.


So, I now have to pay another 35 pounds to get her sedated to take blood.

So far I have now paid 290 pounds to pretty much find out something I already know. SHE IS ON HER F’ING SEASON.

There was no way I was letting this go so I have made them write and sign a document that if she is in season after an operation that took place last APRIL to stop her from coming in to season I would be refunded all the costs associated with this investigation, and the corrective surgery free of charge.


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