The microscope has grown legs and run away, it seems!
Or more than likely, got packed into a box that is buried under another box.
While the crew is relentlessly hunting down their lensed companion, we have a different kind of friend to show you!
During our first night on Fraser Island we decided to pop down to the local pub and have ourselves some tasty noms and a cocktail or two.
Mid-sip, a huge kookaburra came gliding through the main dining area. And promptly went full speed, beak first into the window with a resounding thud.
After laughter much akin to the bird's we jumped to our feet to check on the poor thing. He was fine, although his pride was severely bruised.
A couple days later, our little friend returned to the scene of the crime. He seemed no worse for wear, but did seem a little more cautious when gliding towards things that appeared to be clear skies but were actually forcefields.
And he definitely was not afraid of people getting close!
Hopefully we will have Microscopic Monday on a Wednesday! Keep your eye out for a microscope on the run!

Stay tuned to our page for Microscopic Mondays, drone shenanigans, poetry, 360 VR footage, 3D prints, and the occasional chuckle!
Much love, @sammosk and @stitchybitch! <3
Good story and good photography.
Nice pic with good serenity environment
The kookaburra looks so cute. It kind of reminds me of a pokemon.
Wow, is amazing I love it
Nice post friend, thanks for sharing
Good shot close to the bird, is very nice, although its beak is very sharp.
Good 1

Awesome! I do love kookaburras - one of the few birds that I knew instantly what it was the first time I heard it at a zoo (having never been to Australia...) Thanks for sharing the story as well!
Great job..I'm really digging dis!
Great photos !!!
Hai sobat
Saya lucky1001 sudah membaca dan postingan anda sangat bagus dan menarik sekali , apalagi ada burung yang sangat bagus.
Such a nice photo! Didn't knew the bird.