This valley of death

in #photo6 years ago


I'm a weak man of nature. Occasionally I do not have the courage to read any newspaper paper. Let's try to remove the eyes by looking at the headline. If the eyes are removed then the news will disappear. News is not invisible, it goes away. Then the courage to save the news a little bit. A news of the news about Rajeev and Mim was killed by pushing buses on the airport road, killing two teenagers. Seeing their pictures on news paper, the chest was twisted inside. I have had a lot of life, but I always know why I am old, stuck with the age of old age. I see them, I think they are old. I guess I can understand how they are imagined. So these two teenagers have become very upset after seeing the picture. To survive on earth, we have to accept death in many ways, we accept it. But who has to accept the murder? Do not everyone know that the events in our country that are called 'road accidents' are not the worst accidents, kill them clearly? With a sharp weapon, one killed one and two buses lost control by competing with one another, there is no difference between the kidnapping of the bus on some teenagers, does that all know? Everyone will have to know. There is no hand on the accident, we suffer from sighs and accept accidents, but the 'road accidents' of Bangladesh are not accidents, why do we accept them day after day?

I am in Sylhet, often needing to come to Dhaka for many needs. Most of the time I came to the car and saw that if I used to ride straightway without doing Dhaka-Sylhet, then at that time the whole world would have been able to eat the wheels at least. Every time I went on the road, I did not think once and if something was a terrible thing it would have happened! Bus-trucks like the demon come straight from the opposite side, the small car has to move away. Most of the time there is not enough space on the road to move, then you have to go by the side of the road. The huge bus-truck like the monstrous has taken possession of the road to the mighty sunrise. None of them said that there are rules on driving in the street, other cars can not be overtaked from the road. No one was ever punished for doing so. Many people would have survived if they were forced to comply with the rules of the route. At least twelve cars died in road accidents everyday in Bangladesh, we have become accustomed, so use the word accident. The event that can be closed is not an accident, it is a crime. If someone died due to that, kill it.

Last time, from Dhaka to Sylhet, suddenly a car jam on the street. A little further, I just saw the bus-truck face-to-face conflict. The rows of dead bodies have been laid on the side of the road. In other countries of the world, a man may see such a thing throughout his life. I have seen many times. Those who were injured tried to get to the hospital to save them. There is no problem with those who have died. They lie on the side of the road. Men and women They did not know that they would be killed before. Everything goes wrong in the moment, a dream of a full life and a man full of hope is over.

We talk about the number of people who die. What happens to those who are injured? Some people become completely paralyzed, some have gone away trying to get well. Rajiv and Mim died in the incident, there were nine more injured. How are they At least their treatment has been arranged?

It's been a couple of years back. I'm working in my office, suddenly a phone came. Called my former student and current colleague In the telephone, he was not able to say exactly, sounding like a wail. With difficulty, I realized that a bus faced a terrible accident in the accident, inside the bus, wounded and dead people around. One by one rickshaw bus, one of the injured people was taken out and taken to the hospital. In the same way he eventually reached the hospital, then he was brought to the hospital ambulance. In Dhaka, he has been cured for a long time after treatment.

I was very much inclined to go to Narsingdi's area and found out that the rickshaw puller was taken out of his hand and thanked him for not helping anyone alone. The bus took out one of the injured people and took one of them to the hospital. The work was not done until the end. It is often sad that many of life's activities are not done until the end.

I have thought for a long time that after such a major accident, the owners of buses should be sued. It is almost always seen that the accidents are not a real accident, the owner of the bus, the driver of the bus happened to have a kind of irresponsibility. Only if they are compelled to compensate the bus owners by the lawsuit, they may be alerted. Not only to save people's lives but to save their money they will be a little responsible. I told my colleague to sue. He agreed and was eventually sued for the bus company. There were many reasons for the neglect of the bus company and due to that negligence none, not two, but sixteen people died. There were no accounts of how many people were wounded and how many people returned home after being healed.

We do not want to end the case in our country. In the same way many years have passed since the verdict of this case. The verdict has finally ended; But it is not for my colleague! I did not give up. Hopefully I will be compelled to file a lawsuit against these powerful men once properly named as bus owner. Once the rules are introduced in this country, this terrible irresponsibility of the bus drivers will probably stop even a little bit. Nobody can have any kind of compassion for man's life, but there is definitely a need for money for money.

We all have seen, many of the transport workers in our country have power. There is no end to the example of their misbehavior. If a person is confused with a passenger, they may push him off and drag him away from the moving bus. A driver carries over a pedestrian on a cold head. The driver, the conductor, the helper had raped a girl inside the bus or raped her and raped her. Just thinking that an injured college student might have trouble with that day, he killed him and thrown him into the water. Any event above in any civilized world of the world could become a crisis of existence for the whole organization, nothing in our country. Although a powerful minister leads them and it is incredible, the transport workers also have a movement against the government's decision.

After the death of Rajiv and Mim of college students, the reaction of our minister was very strange. He recalled an accident in India a few days ago and reminded everyone (smiling) that if they do not overstep the phenomenon, why we are so busy with that! The simple thing that has escaped his attention is that, the incident in India was an accident. Our incident is not an accident, it is a kind of killing. This incident does not happen when it is a little responsible.

When I write this article, the students of the college of all over the country have come down. Their claim is very human, we have all been making this same claim for a long time. None of us have ever heard those words seriously. The children of college have finally been able to hear those words. Hopefully, their very humanitarian demands will be heard, we do not want to see our country as the valley of the deadliest deaths in the world.









