Thank you very much for your reply! I'm sorry that you made a mistake as for your loss, same for mine and the rest of us who were in that bidding "pot" together (this time).
But despite that, I must say that your reply and explanation was a relief to read for me, especially when you said that you've experienced the same in the past, so I know - you know the feeling.
Those bots that don't have either minimum and/or maximum limit might be profitable for all participants if used wisely, but they can also turn on the entirely opposite side and become a losing disaster.
The other problem is that there is no turn back. Meaning, if you send a wrong bid and realize that afterward, there isn't any possibility to cancel and pull it back. Of course, bot owners don't care about it as it just enlarges their profit. They are probably just laughing when we make a mistake or when some high bidding fool who doesn't know how to use bots comes around.
Never the less, once again, thank you for your reply and clarification! Although it wouldn't compensate for my loss, it makes me feel much better!