That magical time of year again…

in #philosphy2 years ago

Hi friends,

Here are a few musings on the New Year, resolutions and all that good stuff!

SO…It’s that magical time of year… you know… everyone’s making resolutions and declaring that THIS IS THE YEAR.

How many will stick to their declarations?

Some will, most won’t.

Here’s why…


Because changing your life doesn’t happen in an instant (although it can) changing your life or Paradigm as I like to call it, takes concerted effort. Changing your life is about changing your habits. As you reconfigure and upgrade your operating system, life begins to take on new and more evolved forms and you merge with a universal consciousness, a harmony. If you don’t believe me, look at nature. Nature just works, it isn’t trying.

As you come back into alignment with your true nature, there is no more self-sabotage, instead there is expansion. Your work is to adopt new healthy habits of thinking and being, you know… upgrading your operating system!

Your operating system is your framework or Paradigm :)


I’ll spare you the “pop-psychology” as my father would call it (hope he reads this), we don’t even need to open that can of worms. We’re all adults here, we know when we’re making a more or less evolved choice.

The subconscious stuff does run deep though, it informs all that we think, feel and do… mainly because it doesn’t know better. It only takes instruction from the conscious mind. So, if you don’t know why you’re doing something that isn’t helping you move forward or evolve … you can be sure you’ve got a glitch in the programming. No big deal, once you see it, you can correct it.


I’m sharing this because we are on the brink of a New Year and I know a lot people who have been talking about making big changes in their lives and still…. Same old same old.

No shade, no judgement… life is challenging and there are a million reasons why NOT to do something. Here are a few I hear the most…

Not enough time
Too busy
My partner won’t let me
My kids won’t let me
Too much work
No energy (most ironic)
No space
Don’t know where to start
I can’t
No budget (this one makes me chuckle, guess what.. you don’t need any money at all to be with yourself.. although capitalism will have you think otherwise…)

Etc etc…

Pick your excuse there are an infinite number to choose from. And keep in mind, the conditioned subconscious mind (where all the trauma, insecurities, fears and doubts live) will try to trip you up when it can.. so even though we start the year with big aspirations, it doesn’t take long for the shadow characters to come out and remind us to shrink and keep doing what we’ve been doing or not doing…It’s safe and familiar that way :/


One day, you just have to throw in the towel and say ENOUGH. I choose a better me, a better life, more health, more expansion, more joy, more peace, more LIFE.

The better you are the more you can show up for the people in your life. This is the highest form of Self-ishness… gone are the days where we give ourselves away because it’s “the right thing to do” this is a new epoch we’re living in. The world needs healing and it starts with the individual, it starts with you.

I used to feel an overwhelming responsibility to DO SOMETHING, quick the planet is burning, people are starving, there’s no time… and it caused me a lot of anxiety and misguided energy.

The real game is in course correcting your own life, and coming back into harmony with your own true nature. When you are at peace with yourself, you emit a coherent frequency that resonates. When you are in harmony with yourself, naturally, you are in harmony with all that is. We are energy beings, can we all agree on this?

When your energy is good, you have a good effect on the world around you. When you energy is bad or vibrating at a low frequency… guess what happens?

It’s that simple! We didn’t even need to open the pop-psychology treasure chest.

And for those reading this who are in the latter half of life… it’s NEVER TOO LATE… every second that you can reclaim as your own, why not?

This is your life.


Back to Paradigms, Paradigms are a mental-model. How we see, interpret, project and understand ourselves and the world around us.

Most of us are operating on old software that was handed down for generations. We are energy beings, creating energy patterns… if we don’t intercept then all we’re doing is repeating our ancestral, generational patterns, the stuff that was given to us by our parents, grandparents and so on … some gifts are worth having and some are not.

Now isn’t that comforting to know that you can change it all just by changing your mind and reprogramming your subconscious. It sounds simple, it is simple and it just takes some effort. Remember, it takes more energy to expand than it does to the stay the same. But, it’s worth it. Again… this is your life!

Your life is in your hands, well… it’s in your mind!


So, this New Years, instead of making another meaningless resolution like changing the world, or become a fitness model…why not resolve to start making little changes in your own life, picking up new simple habits that you can accomplish every day…

Here are a few of mine…

  1. No social media until after my morning practice and even then, limiting social. media consumption to 30 mins a day and creation 1 hour (max) … if I could eliminate all together I would.. but there is value in having an account for me to share and connect

  2. Reading before bed, at least an hour

  3. More whole foods and less processed, less dairy (cheese ugh.. you kill me)

  4. Only 1 x coffee a day :( this is a hard one… love my coffees

  5. Practicing more space between stimulus and response (I can be quick to react… yes even with all my yoga, I’m still a nutty human)

  6. TIME MANAGEMENT — this is a BIG one for me this year, as my goals are bigger than ever, I’m going to need to be meticulous with every moment. So, I’m creating a time management checklist to keep me on track — would you like me to share this with you?

Our most finite resource and commodity is TIME. It’s all we got… use it wisely… If it’s distracting you from your goals, dreams and desires… drop it.

Those are a few…. What about you?

What small changes can you make on a daily basis that will assist you in creating a New Paradigm for your life?

That’s all it takes. For example: instead of sitting on the couch in the evening to absorb lord knows how much negative media or mindless tv, why not open a book or a journal and make some notes. Grab a sketch book and doodle, put on your headphones and dissolve into a beautiful album. Go for a walk, roll out your yoga mat and stretch out of the day (hold tight…. I’m working on an app so you won’t have to think about this too much… I’ll be there to guide you!)


There you have it, my New Years spiel. If you made it this far, thank you for being here with me! I, like you am trying to figure this out. One day at a time.

I’m now sitting at the BKK airport on my way back to Toronto! It’s been an incredible journey abroad and I’m excited to be back here… sooner rather than later.

Happy New Year strangers, friends and family. I wish you a peaceful, healthy, happy and abundant year ahead.

Much Love,



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