Nobody Knows When You Are Down & Out (Nightly Philosophy Blog)

in #philosophy7 years ago

We only share so much with people we see everyday. The perception to how you may appear to others may differ from what the image you pursue. You may go on for years battling with your inner demons, trying to search for what makes you.. the real you, instead of following the pursuit of temptation led by those little devils on your shoulder. Food for thought.. Who are you really? How well do you know yourself? Considering only you hear your inside voice, or how are you so sure that those thoughts even came from you? Challenge yourself use concentrated intuition on your thoughts & actions. Others can see the transparent void of your actions. Who knows you more? The world? Or the real you?


Keep it up man this post is very inspiring.

Deep.. Nobody knows the real me

See that image is dope; food for thought got me thinking.

Constant battle im just a facet of an image i allow others to see.. you think you know me you dont. I know me 🖤😊

thank you everyone