As simple as that seed is. It is also very complicated . It has to catch the wind just right so that it lands in fertile ground . Bringing forth new life . And so many other factors to mention here. Its destiny is a result of factors that it cannot control . Unlike us who have the ability to control our destiny .
relationships are complicate and when new life is brought into it new challenges arise . Relationships require work to keep the ground fertile , constant work , but the reward is the best that anyone could have and well worth it .
This is what many people don't get, they want the best, most supportive relationships but don't put in the work.
I don't know but its seems that the culture has shifted to , I deserve things instead of let me work for that, I see it everywhere , from Gov't handouts , to people going to work as if a social gathering . Even here with up vote me and I'll up vote you . Maybe its because I'm getting older , or that I worked so damn hard for what we have .
But most of all it takes unselfish sacrifice for the good of the whole . (Family - Relationship )