In fact, I heard a Taoist say that the symbol of Taijitu (that of yin and yang) is commonly misinterpreted, because neither white nor black represents good or evil. For them, the symbol represents two extremes, and the good is the balance between those two extremes, but the good itself is not one of those extremes. What follows is my assumption, but it is to be expected that the evil is the imbalance between these two poles, that is, extremism. Therefore, they do seek to do good and maintain balance, and not coexist with evil.
I like that idea. I had in my mind when writing this, the concept of a diving board, just after someone heavy has leapt from it. I was thinking how it bounces up and down, almost in a blur, but eventually calms down and settles again perfectly horizontal. I would like to think that the chaotic nature of the universe is akin to this blurry diving board, seeking equilibrium, and that one day it will find it.