Hindu Cause & Effect Postulates Help Endurance (Hindu Belief of Reincarnation)

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

One of the principal foundations of Hindu Philosophy is its belief of reincarnation of soul. There are many religions which believe on reincarnation and rebirth of soul but some are silent on it. The Hindu school of thought enunciates that every soul has to take birth again and again till it achieves salvation or Nirvana which releases the soul from the cycle and leads to eternal bliss.

The cause and effect theory is logical and we can see many examples in daily life which either can be explained through inductive or deductive logic.. Take for example the electricity current that powers our various gadgets and appliances at homes. If one bulb is not illuminating in the house it could be fused or the wire connections may be loose, the switch to the bulb may be malfunctioning etc. You apply inductive logic to ascertain the cause and fix it. If you have corrected the fault rightly, the illumination to the area is resumed. On the other hand, if there is power supply outage or the main switch is disconnected, you can use deductive logic to predict that no electrically powered equipment shall function.


The great savants of ancient Hindu culture evolved that every action that we do has some reaction. In the theory of karma (action), every moment we are involved in doing some karma and we will have to face the consequences of that karma which could be beneficial or otherwise. The effects of these actions get accumulated with the soul and its resultant effects, good or bad, have to be enjoyed or endured by the individual soul in present or future births.

The predictive dimension of astrological science of the Hindu culture was developed to draw a celestial chart at the precise birth time of an individual which foretells the important events in the present life. These events are determined by the accumulated previous karma of the soul (called prarabdha in Sanskrit) and the planets only act as divine tools to predict those events by the learned rishis. Its accurate reading is of course dependent upon the knowledge, erudition and interpretation skills of the person doing it.

The major milestones in life can be predicted substantially by learned astrologers. The important areas of life like health, career, wealth, relationships, social standing etc are generally the result of the past deeds. The seeds of these have been sown by us in the past births and we will just reap the harvest or get fruits of our actions in these areas of life.

The cause and effect theory is the principal determinant of the parents or environment we get at birth. Our upbringing, education and health in early life are governed by our past actions. Some kids we see today are highly proficient in music or art at very young age which cannot be logically explained through attributes like training and environment alone. Similarly, some unfortunate ones are suffering from serious diseases like cancer at very early age and you cannot blame it on their parents. Some kids are born to rich parents while many get poor homesteads.

The idea of writing this article is not to make you fatalistic or resigned to fate. It is not to take the shine away from the free will or ability to put effort and make the change happen in your life. It only ponders upon the divine mechanics at work and lucid understanding will surely make you better prepared to face the reality and deal with your real life situations in proper context. The theory explains the events that shape your life and guides you to take a humane approach in your responses since these become the seeds for your future.

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