Get out of the rat race and invest in your life.. Start living now!

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

This is the post for Minnowhelper Writing Contest!!!- The contest is presented by @minnowhelper.

Getting successful in life means different for different people, but nowadays people only run after money. If you just look around you, you will find many people who would be better off somewhere else but they are doing an unsatisfying job just to get money and maintain the status quo. Having plenty of money is kind of a global dream as people think that money can buy them all happiness but this rat race sometimes creates more problems than it solves.

Have you ever given a thought of how happy you were when you were in college. There is no one who does not want to go back to college and live that life once again. But, why does everyone want to get back to the old days when they had little money, no fancy cars, no property.. etc? It is because there are some things that money cannot buy.

But, then you got into the corporate world or a job and you started to make money. You bought cars, flat, jewelry to show off your wealth and superiority. But, even that did not give you the quality of life you wanted. In fact the more money you made the more you wanted. This is the rat race every one today is into.


The rat race is a pointless pursuit and an endless journey. You just keep running as there is no finish line and no medal at the end. So, it is you who should take a break and give it a thought, whether you wish to be in this crazy rat race, or start living your life.

There are some things that you can do to escape the rat race-

  • Buy things that add quality to your life.

When you earn more money it is very easy to make useless expenditures. But, step back and think, do you really need what you are buying. Is it adding any quality to your life?

  • Save the money.

This is the best way to get ahead in life. Get the financial freedom and escape the rat race. There is always a way to save money and you can do it by cutting unnecessary expenses.


  • Time is money.

Do not trade your time to earn money. Invest in something that makes you feel satisfied and helps you grow. Giving your time to a 9 to 5 job, does not always helps you to progress. Start something on your own. Do not waste your time helping others grow.

  • Do not just work work work.

It is good to give your time to work, but working and working will make you dull and steal the precious life moments. Dedicate at least 10-15% of your time in something that makes you feel fulfilled and happy. Do what helps you feel stress free and satisfied. Life is measured by the days you live not the days you waste.

A rat just runs the wheel for years and gets nowhere. He might start earning 100 times more than what he was making once, but his life does not improve. Run away from the vicious circle. Making a living and leading a satisfied life is not as tough as we humans have made it.

Keep in mind that the most important things in life are not THINGS!!

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If you like what I write please give me a thumbs up so that I feel I am doing right, also you can read some other posts by me:

What made me switch from my corporate job to working as a freelancer?

Why travelling solo is not a bad idea?

Hindu Cause & Effect Postulates Help Endurance

What makes my Sunday different from everyone else's Sunday?

If you would like to know more about me please go to my page and follow me @utsavarathi


@utsavarathi I like this post a lot! I also believe the ratrace is a worthless pursuit and am planning my life to get out soon :) will be following you for your posts in the future!

Great.. thanks a lot. It means a lot that you found the post valuable.