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in #philosophy7 years ago

This was great, really brought to light alot of underlying features of human consciousness, and pointed out alot of inevitable expectations from these new blockchain based technologies. Thanks!

I still think how it is messed up that all of this technology concern the people is made with materials from Africa and other third world areas who sell it at cheap rates to have it sold back to them via other companies and countries at higher prices? I feel like a 'decentralized socio-geopolitical' (<-- is that even a word?) which i.e means people grow their own, source materials and build technology might help reduce the powers that be. Smaller, compact towns that work efficiently rather than massive consuming cities. Anywho, just some 2c. Thanks for the good read.


I agree with you, my friend. This is where I believe permaculture can make a difference. We need more farming and community design ;) The bananas bought around the world cost about 20 bananas for 1USD here in Honduras (Banana Republic). I've heard people paying like 20 times that in other countries. I mean, of course you can't grow bananas everywhere.. but I think you know where I'm going.

If you live way up north, you could go for peaches or apples instead of bananas. So you would probably design apple orchards instead of banana plantations :D I really love plants, this is why I give the example with farming, but permaculture is way more than just growing food.

[Here's an article] I wrote about how I came to the permaculture world if you wanna check that out.