Love that part where you said you would get physically ill sometimes because you were unable to express a sexual energy! Damn I had that too it's like you are just missing out on something or like you worked out too much before and then you just stopped so your muscles are like sore or something like that.
I have always practiced compersion. I think it comes natural to me to be proud of people getting what they want, need, etc. although I remain a little short of what they possess--I mean I believe I have my own time and if I take what they're experiencing as inspiration, I could have it as soon as I want since I am motivated.
Love this post! Keep them up :)
Yeah the sexual expression thing was really intense! I have never experienced quite a thing, but it definitely helped me to figure out where I needed to go!
And yeah I agree, motivation really does help. Especially when you believe you can achieve anything. Then compersion becomes inspiration ;-)
Love your ideas so much! Keep posting, man!