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RE: The Fear of Reality

in #philosophy7 years ago

Very good post...thank you for putting that together.

I agree, man is driven by fear and he engages upon that in every way he can. To start, he doesnt want to engage in reality hence the need to distract oneself. Then, one doesnt like the projections of the mind since they are fear based so another distraction is needed.

Many looked down upon a city from a plane and noticed how it resembled ants scurrying around in a colony yet few seem to link the idea that we are just like them. We are going in circles doing what we deem "important" without asking for what purpose?

I think he was Shakespeare who basically said we start dying the day we are born. Grim thought to most people but isnt that our "reality"? Philosophy and religion tries to answer the question what does it mean but, as of yet, all explanations are futile. We live, we there anything else?