Work: your golden ticket to waste

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Nearly everyone suffers from risk aversion but why do so many suffer from work aversion? Why is that when handed opportunity for future potential, so few are willing to take it and run with it if it requires effort?

I think people often confuse all kinds of work as some kind of oppression of their expression, something that stops them from really being who they are or hold them back from where they want to be. They want the rewards of work but feel like if they do it for the reward, they are untrue to themselves.

The idea of this post was a very quick conversation the other day with @acidyo who asked rhetorically, "They have been handed a golden ticket, why do so many waste it?" The golden ticket he is of course speaking of is all things Steem, and for many, especially Steemit.

So many are here because they have become disillusioned with the world whether it be the governments or other social platforms, censorship or poverty and all ranges of other reasons. Some come for money, some want community and many, many want attention.

They want to be seen rather than buried under the throngs of members, hidden by the algorithms designed to drive engagement and maximise profits. They want people to see them shine as who they are instead of what they are expected to be from society. They arrive here and feel this is where they are entitled to be seen as the unique person they are. And they wait.

One day, one day, someone will look and see me for the brilliance I am, discover me here in the shadows and recognise my skills. They have expectations of result with very little consideration of reality itself. Where is the hustle?

There is an opportunity here to do what you enjoy doing and even earn while doing it but, you are going to have to learn more than you know now,AND, you are going to have to do some things you currently do not want to do or are uncomfortable doing. Does this mean you 'Can't be you'? Not at all. It means you need to learn to become more than you are at this time.

You may think this is bad but for me, this is the point of life. Growth. How I approach my personal development is to explore what I am capable of and that means growing, not claiming that me at this point in time is all I will ever be.

Someone the other day in chat was complaining about the complexity of the system (something I see as a strength) and how difficult it is. Yes, it is difficult, there is the advantage because if it was easy, anybody can do it and if that is the case, there is very little value available.

I bumper sticker quoted it: The more you learn, the more you earn.

This is what I have found to be near unbendingly true. The more people learn about how the system works, the more they will earn through the various value streams available. But, the statement I made is not about Steemit alone, it is not limited by the boundaries of the platform. It is about personal growth.

The more you learn about yourself, the more value you will be able to create. This is unequivocally true and always has been for human time eternal and takes into consideration all of those skills that are difficult to obtain or make us feel uncomfortable.

Some struggle to develop content consistently. Some are scared to speak with strangers. Some fear the judgement or criticism that comes. Some are unwilling to adapt to change. And many, many will not take a moment to reflect on what they do and do not possess. Is this the fault of the platform?

But, but, but... excuses. How many excuses can we have to not act and still expect the return on actions?

For me at this time, I see so much potential to learn and do better for me, my family, my friends, community, society and world through Steemit, Steem, blockchains and cryptocurrencies that if I fail to keep learning, pushing and growing, I will have taken my ticket and torn it in half.

How can I not put my effort in? How can I not do my best when the opportunity presented in front of me gives me an immediate chance to fulfil purpose, to lead a meaningful life with the possibility to help others along the way? Talk of golden tickets, how can I not give it my all?

It doesn't matter what skill you have in this world nor how good you are at it, if you are too scared to put it out there, if you do not possess the skills required to get it seen, if you are unwilling to improve you speech, presentation or spend a little time developing it for your audience, there is little hope for the results you may want. You are going to have to learn and the longer you wait, the harder the lesson.

We all have a golden ticket in our hand, it is called Life. What you do with it is up to you and the work you put into it is the only opportunity you have to play an active role in the direction you take. At the very least, if you are unwilling to learn yourself, support those who are willing as it is they who will carry you when they can as they will have learned about being part of the community and understand it takes work. They may be the strongest link, you may be the weakest.

[ a Steemit original ]


@tarazkp I put a poem yesterday on this theme. I wanted to title it rage and self doubt but instead I decided on the writer's pain as the title. Yes, its true everyone came here for a reason, some money, some social community, some attention like you rightly say. But most fail to realize that this thing comes at a price of patience and commitment. Now patience is one virtue that people don't understand. Most people believe that patience means to wait but in reality patience means to keep learning and preparing yourself to be better with every passing moment. I always love poetry but I have never written one before I came to Steemit and with each passing effort am becoming better than I was at my work. Steemit offers us that chance to learn and grow. I only hope the readers of this post will learn from it and grow. thank you @tarazkp Cheers

but in reality patience means to keep learning and preparing yourself to be better with every passing moment

Truth ^

Please with the markdown editor. How do you make a quote. Like the one you make with my comment. Am a few days old here so am still experimenting with this markdown editor.

There's a pretty handy guide to markdown in the FAQ here.

Specifically for the quote you use a ">" at the beginning of what you want quoted

and then type what you want

followed by a double enter to close it out. Hope that helps!

Perhaps appropriately, the first comment on this post - a spammer "great work, nice sharing".
The word 'work' as gotten a negative connotation through the years...Work can not be fun or pleasant, so a lot of people see only two possibilites - work and be miserable or leisure and be happy. There is no working and being happy, at the same time. Not for these people.
I was just thinking about this the other day, even wrote about it - Steemit is too good to be true, because you get paid to do what you like doing (write). I've never seen it as work, in the sense that it's draining, boring and miserable. But it is work...a lot of work, you write for hours and hours, it's like a job. But a fun job...

The deeply rooted idea that you can't work and be happy at the same time just goes to show how well the system has brainwashed us.

The deeply rooted idea that you can't work and be happy at the same time just goes to show how well the system has brainwashed us.

I see it as that people confuse happiness with pleasure. I don't think true happiness will ever be found without some form of work at the core. Plenty of pleasure is possible though - until there is no longer a way to pay for it.

There's a saying here... I think it was from Deloitte or KPMG. It says, if the joy of going home on Friday evening is greater than that of coming to the office on Monday morning. Then there's a problem and it I'll affect your productivity and your happiness.

My company saying is: Go To sleep at night knowing you gave the day your all


Plenty of pleasure is possible though

It is, but I doubt it is as sweet...I can't imagine wanting something without any work, it just doesn't seem satisfactory to me. I like your company saying, it s something that resonates deep within me. I try to focus on each day and do everything I want to do. I must know that I at least tried, in order to be at peace.

@lordjames I agree with your saying too...It reminds me of a quote I saw online (attributed, I think, to Slavoj Zizek)

You don't hate Mondays, you hate capitalism.

My company saying is: Work harder, I don't care about your stupid family or your dreams. We need this project finished yesterday otherwise don't bother coming back tomorrow.

It's pretty long.

That company has set the bar very high for itself, indeed.

I am always saddened when I encounter folks who, at any and all ages, have given up on believing that what they have achieved is the sum total of what they can and will achieve.

Some while back I read of a lady who in her 80's decided to indulge her passion for Eygptology. Now in her 90's she is, apparently, the go to person for the research community!

Now this is the way to be.


As you say ~ with blockchain/crypto/steemit et al we are being given a unique opportunity to grow, share and even craft the life we really wish for ourselves and loved ones.

They say a person should not have any regrets and yet I have a small niggle of one ~ I only wish I had been handed this ticket back in my twenties.

I wrote about this yesterday and would welcome your thoughts on my piece if you can spare the time:

To live is to learn.

And honest work is fun if approached in the right manner.

Great piece.


actually you are completely right if it's easy everyone will do it, to be honest t chose this platform for many reasons first of all i would like to say that i just finish my study and i'm doing nothing now i mean i'm jobless so that i thought it would be good to join this platform in order to earn some money but when i joined i found out that it's not tht easy and i have to learn more and more and as you said learn more earn more inthis period i'm still learning, moreover i joined because i wanted to share my ideas at the same time know people's ideas i do love the platform cause it makes us able to do what we love moreover you will be paid for it and hope i can take the opportunity of steemit to be better and to learn and earn more, in this period i'm still at the struggle of giving a good content and i'm sure someday after i learn and know a lot about the steemit system it would be easy to earn thank you so much @tarazkp

Excellent post, @tarazkp

I think I should try to force myself to make at least one post a day (I'm a little disappointed with progress, as of late, on the site). I did want to do more, and in failing to reach such a target found myself losing motivation. So, I think one a day is much more reasonable / achievable. They don't all have to be the longest (though when I knuckle down, the words do sometimes flow from the fingertips). But they do mostly have to be of a fairly high quality. Which I suppose is the real challenge.

I guess it is a golden ticket but not everyone will always know how to take advantage of such a 'gift-horse'. And I certainly can't imagine a world full of winners with no losers. That doesn't seem right. Either way, we can all do our best as you suggest to maximise our own chances of being a relative winner, here. And if you do well then, yes, there are great rewards to be had. :)

It depends what one classes as winning. If winning is being in the trending pages, most will never meet that target. If winning is being able explore and learn real world valuable skills. All can win.

So true. I've been blogging for a couple years, it has become quite a hobby, even inspired me to wonder into subjects and topics I've always feared for lack of understanding. Learning is a process, it takes time and courage to step out in the realm of the unknown, most of it has helped me with my outlook more than my output but each venture is baby steps in the right direction, one thing I've learned is you often have to dig for the learning curve.

We all have a golden ticket in our hand, it is called Life.

People should accept that life is merely 10% what happens to them but 90% how they react to it, deal with it.

Those who disagree with said 10% (alright, let’s make it 20% because life is awesome and I’m in a good mood) only further validate that it’s all about we deal with things.

I may or may not have to rethink my commenting strategy though.

20%? Did you win the lottery? ;)

Lol.. lottery indeed.

I guess a lot of people in organisations are repressed from their innate creative ability. Repressed by systems that don't allow flexibility. Repressed by controlling and abusive managers. Repressed by grey corporate walls and bad recycled air. Repressed by overwork and stress.
Breaking out of the corporation is not easy by any means but it does give people more freedom to express themselves and find their golden ticket.

@tarazkp it's true I realise that I need to unlearn something and learn the things here it's a struggle worth a good fight. Uovoting to show I like this post and the sentiment in it

Hallo @tarazkp i guess it is a golden ticket but not everyone will always know how to take advantage of such a 'gift-horse'. And I certainly can't imagine a world full of winners with no losers. That doesn't seem right. Either way, we can all do our best as you suggest to maximise our own chances of being a relative winner, here. And if you do well then, yes, there are great rewards to be had. :)

Such good points, I have found the Steemit platform itself has pushed me back into exploring hobbies which I had long abandoned - like programming, and even photography.

It has been easy to let these hobbies fall to the wayside because of time, and also because I didn't feel they were paying off in value for the time I had put into them.

But here, I feel motivated to get back into them because I feel like they will be of value, not just to me, but the whole community.

YES to this:

You may think this is bad but for me, this is the point of life. Growth. How I approach my personal development is to explore what I am capable of and that means growing, not claiming that me at this point in time is all I will ever be.

I, too, feel inspired and challenged by steemit and i take that as a good thing! I haven't been this challenged in a while and it's inspiring me to new heights!!
here's to our continued successes on the platform, and continual positive growth <3 @mountainjewel

I agree with most of it, written very nicely, but strongly disagree with your very last paragraph, where you say that "we all have a golden ticket in our hand, it is called Life".

The world has roughly 7,5 billion people, where around 1,5 billion has around 1 dollar available each day.

1 Child below 5 years age is dying every 6 seconds due to malnutrition.

No way, "we all" hold a golden ticket in our hands : /

I disagree with your disagreement :)
We are all born equal even though the conditions are not equal for all. Life is the golden ticket yet, not everyone gets a chance to use it.

This post got me really stoked. The bit about wasting the golden ticket and realizing our potential keeps growing the more we learn. It's been a big curve stepping into steemit and I appreciate well created posts like this that remind me to keep at it. Thanks for the great content.

I agree ! I'm nearing the end of school and I'm really starting to ponder to pros and cons of going full time steemian and just build things for steem full time.

Well, you are young, talented and unattached. You can do a fair bit of travelling whilst working at this and have some fun working out where you want to go from there.

Thanks for the wonderful photos and sharing your mind with us, all the best.

Hi!!! You wrote interesting reflections on the chance in our life. About how not to miss your opportunity to take advantage of the gold ticket. I want to escape from the ordinary. I think that here I can realize myself. And really it is necessary to study a lot. Even the English language, which I learned long ago and managed to forget. And God grant me strength. Alas, sometimes circumstances are higher than us. War, illness, the threat of losing a job and staying completely without money take away strength. I fall, but I force myself to find another support, which may prove to be steemit.

"Someone the other day in chat was complaining about the complexity of the system (something I see as a strength) and how difficult it is. Yes, it is difficult, there is the advantage because if it was easy, anybody can do it and if that is the case, there is very little value available."

Bingo, I think that keeps a lot of the riff-raff out.

A lot of people are afraid of trying things because they are afraid they will fail, other people are afraid of trying things because they are afraid they will succeed.

This blog was on point.. I totally agree with the saying the more you know the more you earn and this is a platform for people that want to grow and be more creative. am enjoying the platform thus far.

life is the greatest gift to us thanks for post @tarazkp

Speechless I am this time !!

So much positivity , how I couldn’t see,
So much blind, how could i be 🙈

I am gonna see steemit from a totally different perspective now !! There is so much to grab here then to complain. Thank you from heart, for this !! I mean it ❤️


Wow.It's a good information. Thanks for sharing.keep it up.hope everyone will be like on this.waiting for sharing.

Am sure you are a newbie in the system. I am too, you have to learn to understand how this platform works. Choose a niche, a category you understand. To your time to read through a post. And if need be, let your comment add value to the post. It makes the author feels appreciated and you also make you contribution to the community. I hope you will take time to read this post again and learn from it.

you have to rethink your commenting. This is not going to work for you.

oops sorry.

Nice post beautiful presented and explained. detail oriented with nice working writing. thank you for sharing this post @tarazkp

you have to rethink your commenting. This is not going to work for you.

its a wonderful job brother... thanks for sharings this post about future... i impressed to see it... carry on...

you have to rethink your commenting. This is not going to work for you.

But full writing

thanks for the wanderful post @tarazkp
resteem done!!!!!

Steemit is the right place to be visible and show your creativity. The right place to help each other and grow together. Steemit is the Future of every lost soul :)


good work.

This was good to read :) Thank you!

Good post, I am a photographer, it passes for my blog and sees my content, I hope that it should be of your taste, you have my vote :D greetings

Well that was a helluva pep talk "coach." It echoes many of my own thoughts and questions. It's been two months for me now and it's been mostly good. I've made one or two solid connections in that time. Producing content is not difficult for me. Some of it has been well-received. The rest...meh.
It's the "complexity of the system" that I must admit, is daunting.
I know his name is not too popular in these parts, and I, being in the extreme minority, have never had a Facebook account, but Zuckerberg would not be a billionaire today if Facebook had the "complexity" issues that Steemit does. Facebook's success lies in its accessibility to all ages and abilities. It's user-friendly. Ebay, same thing. Amazon, ditto. Microsoft's goal too, was to take a technology mastered only by computer nerds, and make it accessible to everyone, everywhere. Inclusivity versus exclusivity. Apple's goal from day one, was ease of use. That philosophy put in the top 10 of the wealthiest corporations in the world. So please tell me what I'm missing when I don't understand how complexity is Steemit's strong point, or why screening out millions of people who may have much to offer, yet might lack the necessary skills to navigate a labyrinthine system, is a good thing.