You should only speak when you know what you are talking about? You are not a professional on this matter, this is not a cooking class so know your place. In your box, woman!
Does that sound familiar in any way? Maybe not. In this day and age, for many of us at least, this type of thinking was eradicated a long time ago. There was actually an etiquette book from the 1800s my mother had a copy of that said women should not speak unless spoken to. And also suggested that before they speak anywhere they should write down their ideas beforehand, as women are not intelligent enough to speak directly without getting flustered. If you had met my mother, you would laugh at the irony of her owning that book.
This post isn't about feminism though or women's rights or how far the world has come. Because it hasn't come very far at all. We still live in a time where if people consider you uneducated on a topic, you should not speak up about it. A good case in point would be racism.
For many, white people are not allowed or even get attacked for speaking about racism as they have not experienced it themselves. Umm, excluding someone from participation because of their colour is what exactly?
Not only is the hypocrisy lost on many, the stupidity of the exclusion is at another level. How exactly do they plan on 'ending racism' if those they suspect of being the racists are not welcome to take part in the discussions?
What they are actually doing is becoming conversation dictators who hijack discussions and punish and reduce those that do not abide by their rules. Who is punishable? Anyone who is not them. There is an ism in there somewhere I am sure.
Why do we think that if we feel that someone in not qualified enough, they should not speak on certain topics? What makes us think that the 'unqualified' cannot add value to a conversation especially before we have heard their words? What makes as think that we know who is qualified at all? Assumptions are dangerous as they say.
For me, I talk wide as I am not interested in a part of the world, I am interested in it all. This means venturing into areas I am uncomfortable with my level of knowledge, uncertain about how to approach it and unsure how it will be received. But, in I go anyway.
It is a risk to speak up in uncomfortable areas and it is a risk that we all should encourage. Is it always beneficial for the 'experts'? No. Can it be beneficial for others? Yes. Talking about things is how we find our gaps and discussing them is how we can fill them quickly and build understanding. Telling people to stay in their box does not help anyone.
For some, maybe this post is uncomfortable, perhaps the opening sentences made you feel angry or disturbed in some way or perhaps you secretly wish that the world was like that again. Bigots come in all forms, all colours and all levels of intelligence.
The only way to end racism, sexism or any of the other isms is good, clear, open discussion between all parties involved. And since all parties involve are all of us, we all should be given the chance to speak if we choose, uncensored.
Freedom of speech will likely cause some emotional discomfort. You don't have to like what people say, but it won't hurt to listen unless you let it. Words are just sounds until you give them meaning.
[ a Steemit original ]
By the way, that is our kitchen in the picture. It is not normally so neat.
People have a right to their opinions, at least they used to. But we all known who we can blame for this current zeitgeist, postmodernism, and political correctnes. Who would of thought that a movement that concerns itself with human rights would end being the biggest threat to human rights.
I often think about this endless list of things we "can" and "cannot" talk about, what's correct and what's not... and how it sometimes feels like the people who are going on and on about so-called "tolerance" are often quite INtolerant. A local friend of mine refers to it as "weaponized political correctness."
As you suggested, the practice of NOT talking about something does not magically make it go away.
Yes, political correctness has been a scourge on freedom of speech for a long time and has been used as both a control and defense mechanism.
Speak up, speak wide, listen closely.
Great Post. I am female and I am white. I do speak about topics that I am not professionally qualified for, I have studied many subjects in college and have a big variety of interests. People need to look at other people as people not based on society segregation. I see you for you not what you believe or your gender or your education, etc...
As you said, It is about seeing the individual, being sensitive to them not generalising them based on broad brush judgements.
Everyone should be encouraged to speak up and we should raise our children to do the same.
We should also have the courage to listen and raise our children to do the same.
A quick thought as I am just about to log off but for me we are not all the same as many would have us believe but rather we are all different and no two of us are the same. The words racism and discrimination go hand in hand these days but when thinking about the true meaning of the word discrimination it is in no way a negative as society would have us believe also but instead it is the means by which we are able to identify these differences! Is it really so bad to identify the things that make us different? I have no time for a world in which we are all lumped into one homogenous group.
I like different! :)
There is beauty in the variation but using it as a mechanism of control rather than empowerment is where part if the problem lays.
We discriminate each day through our various preferences. Does a red shirt feel bad because I think I look better in blue?
You might loom great in red though so why can't I have my preference and appreciate red for what it is and let it have the space it needs so you can have your preference too.
You protect my rights, I protect your rights. It also means if I harm you, I am also harming me.
I can't show how you're wrong, so I'm claiming you're the wrong person to be right.
You are right?
Well said buddy