Creativity versus Greed.

in #philosophy8 years ago

Steemit has that fascinating smell of something for nothing. It enables the creation of wealth doing what we do best;
network, blog or just be unselfconsciously trivial. It seems to contradict natural law, which is the only genuine code, while mere socialist/fascist regulation on the other hand perishes like rubber left in the sun and dies with the regulator.
'Code is Law' sounds like an Orwellian mantra but it is what keeps our angels airborne. It also puts an icy breeze up the backsides of those who live by the system's mediocre cruelty while never losing their complacent smile of moral
Born at the end of WWII, I have spent a life time decyphering the farming of human illusions which are harvested by
'authorities' like bankstering, religion. and the state. I hope that my dot connecting marathon will fly on Steemit.

I have become the old man I wanted to meet when I was a kid.
Synergy and honesty to you all.


Hell yes, this site needs people like you

tx 4 ur comment. my first yet.
u speak spanish?
tal y vale.