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RE: Simplify laws: No Victim, No Crime

in #philosophy8 years ago

Plenty of things that do harm are not considered a crime such as raping the planet for profit or exploiting workers/tenants. In fact most things that make the rich richer seem to be allowed.

I don't think anyone has proposed taxing breathing.

But I agree that the law is too complex and innocent people suffer. I'm just happy that I've never been caught up in it.


I don't think anyone has proposed taxing breathing.

Trading on Carbon is that if you actually read their plans in detail. Carbon offsets and such. You need an offset for yourself.

I doubt that. Human emissions are insignificant and not really up for reduction. I don't think 'trading' is an answer anyway. It just moves the problem.

Trading is not a solution, yet it is a gateway to a global tax and power if you look into it.

I think we already lost the tax thing :) I just want to see governments show they really care about what matters to people and not just business. I don't think things are a bad as some people make out. Most politicians are incompetent rather than evil