When Everyone Thinks Alike - Who is Thinking?

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

When I Control Your Mind I Control You!


The battle for your mind is a reality - it is the covert war for your thoughts and beliefs!

The Individual versus The Collective


Individual power is being sacrificed at the expense of our civil liberties and for the benefit of the collective - while civilization (for the most part), continues to crumble around us - I am struggling to see the logic in this approach.

Whilst I am, and will remain very committed (and desire) to help others (the collective) - it is important that we don't get swept up in 'groupthink' simply because everyone else or the invisible majority says that we should behave, believe or think a certain way!


Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome. Group members try to minimize conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation of alternative viewpoints by actively suppressing dissenting viewpoints, and by isolating themselves from outside influences. Source - Wikipedia - Groupthink


Individuals must discover new frontiers and unlock their own power and realities!

Solutions to the problems that we face requires each of us to think for ourselves in a reasonable, logical and un- biased manner - each of us needs be open to outcomes that we do not desire, or expect - and to imagine solutions that haven’t been thought of before.

We cannot keep waiting for other people to find solutions to the problems that we face. We have been conditionded to accept the lie that other people are smarter than us - who are these other people? I'd love to meet some of them - I am not being arrogant, there are many people much smarter than me - I simply want to meet them so that collectively we can help each other! Steem is a great place to find smart people!

Many people live their entire lives (cradle to grave) under the false assumption that their intelligence, reasoning and power of imagination is very limited - that is a lie and a mere by-product of our environment and in particualar the education/indoctrination system which is re-enforced by the media and society at large. This is precisely what the education system, the media, the Gov't and the elites that control the world wants you to beleive and if you keep believing what they tell you - they will continue to control you.

The world keeps trying to brainwash us into believing that we are animals instead of individuals - the world is systematically stealing the power that resides within you!

The world wants you to believe that life is about the species (the group, the collective), not about the individual. The world constantly reminds you of how small, useless and helpless you are. The world is lying to you!

When propagandists get on to a good thing they constantly re-enforce the lie and when you repeat the lie often enough people believe the lie to be true. This is classic conditioning!

You will rarely find a propagandist promoting the message of individualism with anywhere the near same fervor as they promote collectivism, or groupthink. That would be counter-productive to groupthink.

Unfortunately, a growing number of people attack individual power while placing their faith in a program that reduces every human-being down to the lowest common denominator of dependence - that controlling entity is called government and the people, corporations and foundations that control it.

Passivity is a disease. It spreads through society like a parasite with the sole aim of controlling of your mind. This parasite makes strong people weak and weak people blind.

Individual power doesn’t make hardfork distinctions between the individual and the collective. Social engineers and propagandists make those distinctions for us but that is not the reality.

When you exercise your individual power and create the reality that you desire, it spills over, and affects the collective in a positive manner. You have the power within you - please use it to up-lift other people with kindness, empathy and compassion - it will remind them that they too, have individual power. It begins with you the individual and not the collective and that is why we must not lose sight of the individuals that we are and the power that we were destined to have!

Just in case there is any misunderstanding - the ability to find the power that resides within you, to help others and to defend them from oppression is part and parcel of your own power.

If you don't have individual power you cannot help someone else find their own power!

That is why we must fight for our individualism and right to free speech today - if we lose that, we lose everything!

When Everyone Thinks Alike - Who is Thinking and Where is the Power Coming From?

Love, Peace & Truth


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More diverse our collective tought is getting, the more we can profit from it on many basis from philosophy, economy, architecture, art...I don't know...name it. The most important thing is continuous growth of diverse thinking as to maintain this standard of quality tought. Thanks for this article!

you raise a number of good talking points in your post. i feel like the media has a huge part to play in this regard.

with social media being used by almost everyone with access to internet nowadays, we're always seeing the extremes of either good or bad. we're conditioned to think that everyone is either amazing or cringeworthy-bad at whatever it is they do.

at the same time, there are those who do not share/do the things they love in fear of being called out and being the one made fun of. so everything just ends up being a big circlejerk for that very reason.

that's why it's so important to surround yourself with people who support what you do, and who can objectively provide feedback for you to enable you to confidently do your thing and voice your opinions.

I agree with you 100% - very well said!

only leeching off the great points you brought up.
i'm following you and looking forward to more content like this. cheers!

Usually it's the CIA/Mossad via the mockingbird media. Strait up. They are run by the Vatican. It's also your government lies and general population fear of standing out and being labeled 'conspiracy theorist' (another CIA mind control operation to make you think that's a dirty word). People live in fear of rejection, and that fear allows mass control.

Great comment. Yes, the media plays a pivotal role no doubt. My research tells me that the Vatican (and Jesuits) were taken over in 1823 (but that's another story, for another post).

CIA Memo 1035-960 clearly proves that the term 'conspiracy theorist' was weaponized' by the CIA in 1973 in response to the growing number of people that questioned the 'official' JFK assassination narrative.

You are on the money and I thank you for your comment!

Naw, the Vatican takeover was far far earlier. At least 500 years.

Who took them over in your opinion? To be clear, I am talking about 100% control in the modern day i.e who controls them today. I suspect that you are referring to the Jesuits taking control 500 years earlier, or maybe the Khazars? I'm referring to the group that controls them today.

@steemtruth @lost.identity
Freemasonry (which nowadays is heavily influenced by a jewish/Zionist component). you can even see all recent Popes doing masonic handshakes and signs. including Pope Francis

there was always jewish and masonic plans to take over the Vatican (some are even documented) and obviously by 1980 the plan was fully completed.
Jesuits were crypto-jews (sephardic and ashkenazi), there was a bit of competition between the masonic and jesuitic structures of control in the past centuries, but now they work hand in hand . In Rome even their HQs are next door to each other.
so my view is that the Jesuits control the Vatican on behalf of Zionist Freemasonry.
Pope Francis is a puppet of the Rothschilds, they even retweet his crap on twitter all the time even though they are openly jews and freemasons.

Jesuits. I think in the 1800s the Karzars probably took the reigns, due to their rise to control world resources. This was about the time they took over the USA as well. So to summarize, you are not wrong likely, just missing a takeover or 2 earlier in history.

The plan is known as the 500 year plan, and began with the change to a helio-centric universe and the burning of heretics around 500 years ago. This is when the current conspiracy began.

You are talking of the commonly acknowledged take-over of the Vatican 500 years ago by the Jesuits - I agree that it did happen.

I am talking of the far more recent takeover of the Jesuits and Vatican that occurred in 1823. If a company buys another company we don't go back in history and call it by the name that it used to be known as. We generally acknowledge the new owners which is what I have done.

The Khazars converted to Judaism in 740 AD, or not longer after (the exact date is a topic of debate). The conspiracy began in the 1st century, and I would argue thousands of years before that. How far back do you want to go?

Sabbatean-Frankists took 100% control of the Vatican (and the Jesuits that controlled them) in 1823 - which was my original point. The Sabbateans are Khazars (crypto-jews).

Maybe we are talking about the same thing while using different terminology?

I go back to the biggest change in historical course, and that's far enough. That was when a fundamental change of course can easily be identified, and the most relevant historical starting point to this point in history, IMO. To focus on the Karzarians only denies the truth roots in the Jesuit takeover of the Catholic church, IMO. That's my logic for that point.

If you want to go all the way back, it's the same story as babylon.

This post received a 27% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @steemtruth! For more information, click here!

I simply want to meet them so that collectively we can help each other!

that is exactly what I want to do by going the way of socialism. I don't see the collective as an enemy to individual, but I have to admit that this our political reality right now. You could fill books of examples where "the left" thinks their opinion is a scientific fact. It is worrisome.

The right is also not much better, but as a lefty I will try to clean my house before I clean others. That is also why Sanders is a con-artist, if he was a true left-winger Hillary would be in jail.

I want the community to help the individual to flourish, if that makes sense.

Hello @steemtruth, I am @thatgermandude and I came to get your so... I mean - ask you if I can feature your article in my next issue of politics today. :)

Please feature this article @thatgermandude. I want truth to spread. I am going to read your personal posts and I am now following @politics-trail. Lass uns das machen

Vielen Dank

thank you for the permission, engagement and kind german words. Seeking and spreading what I believe to be true is part of my mission, my main mission is to curate awesome content like yours and promote discussion among all political interested Steemians ;).

Gern geschehen, liebe SteemWahrheit

Wunderbar. Ich habe in Deutschland gelebt und gearbeitet. Ich spreche ein bisschen und schlecht Deutsch :)

Ich verstehe dein Deutsch sehr gut, also kann es so schlecht nicht sein ;)

Thanks steemtruth for raising these issues. If you are interested in eastern philosophies, some ideas such as Buddhism's ideas of bardo and realms and also the Chakra system may help here. Chakra 3 includes will, power etc and Chakra 5 includes self expression etc.

Cultures (the collective) reflect individuals and individuals reflect cultures. Many current educational systems are based on Chakra 3, or perhaps the Buddhist Animal Realm, and are based on conformity and utility to society and its corresponding group think.

What would happen if our educational systems reflected on all the aspects and potentials of humanity as represented by chakras, or Maslow's hierarchy of needs, or any number of systems? Then Chakra 5, self expression would be a part of the education system, and also so would relationships, ecology, etc. as part of the other chakras.

Also, if you have a chance, you may what to read some of Krishnamurti's views on education, he has significant insight.

How can we build on this?