Nothing Attracts Everything.

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

You are who you are.

That's nothing new, you've probably heard it more times than the alarm clock but have you ever thought about this particular phrase, when do we use it and what it really means?

From my perspective everything is possible which means nothing is possible too.
Once you realize that wanting nothing attracts everything, you'll start seeing things differently.

It's our vibration that we're able to change by the mindset alone and by that I believe we're able to travel trough infinite number of realities without even blinking an eye.

I'd like to add a quote from an American author and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar:

"You are who you are and what you are because of what has gone into your mind. You can change who you are and what you are by changing what goes into your mind."

Remember to live in the moment.

It's only now! There is no tomorrow except an imaginary container somewhere in the back of our minds. This magical container has almost everything.. if you go to sleep and somehow wake up when it's tomorrow outside and not today, I bet you'll be stunned by all that there is to find.

Not later and not a moment ago!

What has happened can never be altered, only the way we perceive it.
Do we look at various situations of our life and get worried that things didn't go as planned or do we look at them from every other perspective except the ego one that wants things to go smoothly for him leaving everything behind.

It's the attitude we have. The mindset.

I believe that with the right mindset you're able to achieve anything.
If you can dream it, you can live it!

Leave fear, anger and doubt behind but don't forget that they're still in your mind and to be in peace with yourself - morph them into a skillful tribe.

Have a beautiful moment of clarity heightening the senses and expanding the awareness.



Bravo! Yes, the mind is key. My biggest break through came once I realized I was not my mind and my thoughts. Thanks for the post, love the deep questions.

That's how I feel.
Have success guide your way!