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RE: 2017: The Year I Stopped Making Excuses

in #philosophy7 years ago

. Realizing that I was working a job I didn't want and being unhappy because I thought I needed the things it gave me was a bitter pill to swallow. I had to face the fact that if I was suicidal and at that low of a point in my life that I was ready to give up, then trying to convince myself that doing that for another thirty years was somehow a reasonable thing to do was simply irrational. So I did it, I quit and had to face the last hurdle that I spent most of the year doing.

I see so many people cling to things that make them unhappy because they feel like they need them - and they refuse to look for new opportunities or believe there is a huge world out there. I am glad this year has been much better for you - with these improvements I imagine your life will only continue to get better.


I agree and I often call that the inherent insanity of society. In an insane world, I'd rather be crazy. :)