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RE: Sophism examplified: The case of "The factual feminist"

in #philosophy8 years ago

LOL. didn't take much patience to get through.

my point on the color blue is the wavelength not our precievd view of it. so you can call it any color name whatever but the wavelength is still the same we just happen to call it blue.
as for bright, maybe I shouldn't have used that word. more that the sun gives off light.
and as for the math, calling 2 a different name does not change the number of apples. the numbers are true no matter the symbol you use for them.

Now the simulatuion idea kind of see as sophomoric like the question of free will or even the god problem.

Also Im not to sure that the fact that this might be a simulation would change anything as for what is truth in the simulation. the simulation seems to have its laws just like the reality of no simulation.
it is an interesting conundrum.
It just makes my mind spin like trying to figure out if we have free will or if there is god or does a line ever end ect...

Would one apple in a box with another apple added make 2 apples if it was a simulation or would all math and truth be thrown out the door with the simulatition? wouldn't 1+1=2 out of the simulation still hold true?
I do have to say I cant picture something where simple math truths like 1+1=2 doesn't work in something based in what we call reality, or a reality.

I still don't see that because people can be ignorant of the truth, it must be relative.

I got a little to think about now I guess.