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RE: Escaping the Cage

in #philosophy7 years ago

I was actually having a conversation with a friend earlier this morning when I had asked what their overall opinion of the job market was, and if it was difficult. Like if you took all the well paying salary jobs in the world and threw them in a box, how difficult would it be to get one of them?

I believe that there is many forms of negative thinking revolving around societal work expectations; where to know if someone is doing a good job, they have to work over-time whilst suffering for a mediocre wage. Doing "what's proven" and "what works" in society, is enforced by fear of abandoning the system that everyone else adheres to.

When we see our colleagues and neighbors cling tightly to the bars of the cage, we fear further what would devour us if we stepped outside.

I like the idea that we are only limited by what we accept.

Thank you c:


It's my experience that thought and perceptions create reality. Perhaps some people just prefer doing what they think they have to do, I like to think I just enjoy doing what I want to do.

"Best way to predict the future is to create it."- Peter Drucker

You never have to do anything. I like this, to be moved by desire :D