
You know what dude, even with 6 years experience studying quantum mechanics and quantum field theory it's still a crazy thing.

This will trip you out a bit though:

In QM when we talk about measurements of energy for example, we assign a probability that the particle has a certain energy, actually its the probability that the particle has a certain wave form that give it the energy.

Everything is PROBABILITY.

We must make an Observation to make the measurement, its that observation that collapses the wave into a particle state.

Everything is made of particles/waves, and mother nature likes to conserve energy she's stingy, the particles favour to be in waveform that particles it "saves energy" as such.

We are observers, and we are only sure that "I" exist and nobody else you can be sure about. So this Universe could be your personal Universe. So it's possible that everything behind you that you can't see is in waveform untill you turn around and look.

I love this topic so much. I hope i burnt your brain a bit :D

The universe is an epic troll, seriously. We don't live in the universe. We are the universe. So it's the universe itself that is doing the observing. WTF is going on man, please help me from losing my mind :p

Is there even anything behind my back when I'm not looking?

The universe is an epic troll, seriously.

😂 That is gold.

WTF is going on man, please help me from losing my mind :p

Might be time for some psychedelic therapy... all these perplexing puzzles seem to make a lot more sense in those states... :-)

I have always only found answers regarding myself and my immediate environment. Psychs have left me with more questions than answers about the nature of reality. It did help me to accept that which I don't understand.

I agree that things make sense during the journey itself, but reintegration of abstractions is difficult as hell

Bring out the DMT :D

I am fortunate enough to have access, but the stuff does a very convincing impression of meeting gods and spirits. For the week after a trip I spend the bulk of my energy to not start collecting crystals, treating my chronic illness with homeopathy and Reiki and growing dreadlocks.

Hahaha. Well the universe does fit the conditions for being a black hole and black holes apparently contain all "information" on the event horizon like a hologram :p

There is a quantum soup behind you're back, and i heard it tates quite good hahah :D

That is very interesting, the black hole idea. Must go read up on this and layman's thermodynamics...

While I like the thought process, can't say I agree.

A person could take a pill of vitamin D - particle - or they could expose themselves to sunlight, in which the UV spectrum - wave - is absorbed through the skin, and the body carries out a set of processes to convert the energy of that frequency into the chemical particle of vitamin D.

Vitamin D particle would be a wave and a particle, regardless if you state it's a particle. So I guess I am not sure about the examples differentiating between the two since they are tied together.

The wave of light we get is made of particles. Which particles are then made of waves.

Our body is not technically taking a wave in... We are responding to the radiated particles and using that to create vitamin D particles.... It is not really a wave to particle as it's more particle to particle.... Or I guess you could think wave to wave....

There's no difference between wave formed vs particle formed as the particle is the wave form.

For example we know the electron is a wave, but it's a particle.... This was proven by the slit test sometime in the middle of the 1900's. Maybe earlier?

But regardless if we know it moves in a wave, the individual particle, not talking about light or anything, it is still an individual particle that is causing the reaction.

I could be misinterpreting your examples though...

Nice train of thought though! I should start posting my random trains of thought more often haha.


of course, this is just some loose thinking and nothing along the lines of a scientific text - food for thought, not necessarily detailed facts articulated perfectly.

I should start posting my random trains of thought more often haha.

a strategy that can surprisingly produce some great gems... ;-)

I love it man haha. Keep it up. I know I don't have nto tell you to keep it up, but I just wanted to haha.

I have often thought about making some sort of channel, or posting thoughts that I come to logical conclusions on without any scientific background. Then after posting it, either proof check it for legitimacy, or have the internet tell me I am wrong or right.

Just to see how much you could learn or come to the correct answer based completely on logic and not any scientific research.

Granted, it would have to be based in some knowledge, but maybe knowledge based on experience that you logically think through, and stealing words from the Dune books, make a mathematical "projection," based on those thoughts.

Next time I have something interesting like this, I will definitely write about it.

not a bad idea.

i'd suppose most such thoughts and knowledge get pulled out of the ether before confirmation - would indeed be interesting to have such a system to check and verify, cultivating trust in one's initial "instinct..."

A person could take a pill of vitamin D - particle - or they could expose themselves to sunlight, in which the UV spectrum - wave - is absorbed through the skin, and the body carries out a set of processes to convert the energy of that frequency into the chemical particle of vitamin D.

That's kind of a significant misrepresentation of the process. You don't take vitamin D from the light, the light just stimulates the chemical reaction that synthesizes it from cholesterol. You still need to ingest cholesterol to be able to synthesize vitamin D and the UV light simply provides some energy to do so. The light provides some additional energy to the reaction, but vitamin D is still created form the particles that are already in your body, not from the incoming light wave.

Science is such a mystery to me, @rok-sivante and I think it endlessly fascinating how findings of Quantum Physics, for example, correspond with mystical/esoteric/gnostic teachings like collapsing time and distance or being in two places at once.

Forgive the free association, but lately quite absorbed in another discipline I barely understand: numerology. Recently, certain numbers keep popping up everywhere I look and I'm sure they are communicating something to me (the way a spiritual insight might).

Remarkable to consider that the Universe is encoded, giving us winks and nudges along the Way...

Have an enchanted day :)

"How the common man is supposed to grasp the dynamics and implications of this science... well, perhaps one small bit at a time."

Quantum Mechanics puns ...


Yes, I agree. Sports besides nourish the body also our minds that strees back to normal ...

good post, there are still many particles that are being studied by the ilmua, and only a few can be solved, and find the results, we know very many particles on earth to use, thank you already there

your post are always epic and somewhat like abstract. I love the way you do it @rok-sivante.

Maybe what we call the placebo effect is a manifestation of this phenomenon.

Here in Ireland people are recommended to give young children a daily dose of vitamin D to compensate for the lack of skin exposure to sunshine (UV light)

Could be a piece of that puzzle...

Well written my friend @rok-sivante.

I want to start this looong comment of mine saying thank you to go into such subjects, and also thank you for inspiring me to write this comment that I’d probably transform into a post of my own now :))

I’m pretty sure we are having a big impact on others based on our vibration, the quality of the energy waves that we emit in the wild where others live :) This is coming from a person who’s not so sure about many things. I’d say the only thing I am certain about is the utter uncertainty of everything.

Getting back to our influence on others, I made a little experiment one day, nothing planned, it just happened to cross my mind at the right time. I was sitting in my room on the edge of the bed (well, this is not the most accurate location but I can’t say here exactly where I was, haha) when my dog just appeared on the hall in frond of the door. We looked at each other and she started to behave like most of the dogs do when they are happy: she started to wag her tail and make different postures like she was preparing to jump. All this time I was just looking at my dog without moving, without changing my facial expression (as much as I am aware of) but just having a really nice and light, happy inner state I was consciously sending towards her.

Now the real experiment begins: I said to myself: let’s shift this the other way around just to see what happens, if anything at all. So I started thinking about bad, ugly things that made me sad and angry. I did it so much that my mood changed dramatically and almost suddenly, while my body was also feeling the effect: my head started to feel a bit fuzzy, my sight was changed as well being razor sharp and extremely focused, shivers started going up my back from the sacrum to my cervical area and then spreading to my arms. My entire body was suddenly feeling a subtle shivering that emerged from the inside and was pouring towards the skin. While being in this state, I was constantly trying not to change anything in my physical appearance so I didn’t move at all with my body or with my face muscles trying as much as I could to keep the exactly same posture and facial expression. I started to focus even more on my dog sending all this stuff towards her almost physically feeling how everything is thrown towards her. The dog suddenly changed the attitude, behaving a bit confused at the beginning, she stopped jumping and waving her tail in the air and adopting more and more a submissive attitude. In a few seconds she was completely laid on the floor staring at me and starting to express nervousness and fear. She started barking at me then in a few more seconds she was slowly retreating with her face towards me, not turning her back to me. Then she suddenly ran to the other room where her safe place was. I continued to stay there for a couple more seconds just to clean this mess and go back to my good, loving mood then I wen to the other room. She was expecting me there, still scared of me… I’ve never seen her so scared, not even when a big dog attacked her. She was shaking a bit like she had a shock. I went slowly towards her to give some comfort and love while apologising at the same time. We’re still friends don’t worry :) This only lasted a few dozens of seconds but the impact was so heavy… Imagine what we are doing to other and ourselves when staying angry with somebody for years sometimes

Well now, I don’t claim this is a scientific experiment or so, let alone to prove anything, however I tried it once with my girlfriend’s dog….same result. Maybe there are other explanations and I’m happy to hear everybody’s opinion about it. Please don’t worry about the dog, she’s fine, I am an animal lover since birth :)))

Meet Sofie:


You should read The Intention Experment by Lynne McTaggart. Curently reading it now and basically, it proves scientifically that our intention (thoughts) affects other living things - including other people.

I also have first hand experience of this because I was energy healed from 1000 miles away :)

Everything is connected and thoughts are things which can affect the whole planet, as we are one living orgnism.

Thanks for the suggestion! I will check it.

Physics is so deep we never know what new discoveries can happen in a day.

I have already make a comment about something crazy with quantum mechanics and its possible relation with the simulation theory. The comment and a similar discussion can be found here:

... Quantum physics is an incredibly deep subject, and learning about it is fascinating. For example, I believe there is a link between quatum physics and the simulation theory . And I plan to make 1 or several posts about this in the future. The link I believe exist consists on this:

  • In videogames in order to load the game properly with good enough hardware, the parts of the game loaded are determined by the player's perspective. Therefore, the player affects how the world loads. In other words, what the player sees, affects this little virtual reality, simply by seeing it. This is, of course, to alleviate the workload so the game can run on cheaper hardware.

Just like in video games.

I have a hard time believing much of anything stemming directly from QM Quantum Mechanics. But this doesn't mean that there isn't a LOT of truth to what you're suggesting here with wave/particle, energy, vibration and connections with humans' serotonin, DNA, etc.

You might check this book out about the true nature of magnetism/electricity/light (The Ether) if you can stand the rants by the author about our dismal state of current scientific thought/"theory" lol. I'm only on pg 200 or so but here especially (Regarding QM or GR relativity) it all seems to be a more logical explanation of the universe than anything else I've heard/Read. It's been a tough read for me since I went to school for Mech Engineering and was basically taught everything ASSbackwards. Let me know what you think.

interesting. might take a while to get to as already way backed up with reading, though thanks for the lead... :-)

"And today, I stumbled across a rather excellent example of one of the fundamental principles of quantum physics: that everything exists simultaneously as a particle and as a wave."

Almost twenty years ago, I was in deep contemplation of that idea to intensely that I hallucinated a copy of myself sitting across from me. Short list of top trippy experiences in my life.

Hello @rok-sivante...

I want to know the source of images in this post. if you do not mind, can you share it with us? Thanks....

Got from either Pinterest or Google Images...