
This is a case of Hegel and Marx's disagreement over the Dialectic. Once we have a decentralised world, the same people who created it, would end up resenting it. The same process repeats itself again.

Thesis ➡ Antithesis ➡Synthesis ➡ Ad Infinitum.

The world will never be perfect and upvote for you....

We are all walking contradictions. That's why I call myself an anarcho-Marxist. I understand that individualist anarchy can't work alone, nor can socialist tribal democracy, no matter how grassroots or up the bottom up. (Exploitative capitalism doesn't need my membership.)

The average person is stupider than average, or very close.

Every semblance of common sense within me tells me it is the latter, a carefully orchestrated, Ponzi mind ___ for the mindless masses (thus I will play but with zero skin in the game).

I think it's always important to pay more attention to how things are playing out, rather than always get stuck on theory and ideology. That's why, as much as I probably could identify myself as anarchist, I don't feel attached to that word or the label and never hold on to the philosophies as an answer to everything because things are never play out as simply as they do in theory and if there are staunch capitalists moving in a positive direction, I don't want to negate their efforts by getting into arguments over political philosophy. Even if later down the line, we run into some headaches, so what? Who knows how everyone's perspective will change once the current situations changes.

That being said, I really don't know enough about crypto and the gritty details of what decentralization looks like. There are things I like about it here and things I don't like, but overall it seems to be moving in a positive direction from the big names in social media like facebook and twitter and crypto, at the very least still has great potential even though there are variety of scenarios I could imagine it all going sour. Like I said, I need to learn more.

I wasn't shitting today when I read your post. Sign of the times

Great article -thank you for sharing your thoughts on this.

I think you make a good point about decentralization. I am as big of a fan of decentralization as probably any person here; nevertheless, I don't think that it cannot be stressed enough that decentralization is not the end, freedom from coercion and surveillance is likely the real goal that most supporters of decentralization are genuinely aiming for. There are tools/services that will support those aims that may not meet one's definition of perfect decentralization. That said, they ought to be supported and used because they are step towards the aim.


Very interesting article. Crypto for all

Very good article. Upvote and followed!

Great post, words for the wise!

This was great, really brought to light alot of underlying features of human consciousness, and pointed out alot of inevitable expectations from these new blockchain based technologies. Thanks!

I still think how it is messed up that all of this technology concern the people is made with materials from Africa and other third world areas who sell it at cheap rates to have it sold back to them via other companies and countries at higher prices? I feel like a 'decentralized socio-geopolitical' (<-- is that even a word?) which i.e means people grow their own, source materials and build technology might help reduce the powers that be. Smaller, compact towns that work efficiently rather than massive consuming cities. Anywho, just some 2c. Thanks for the good read.

I agree with you, my friend. This is where I believe permaculture can make a difference. We need more farming and community design ;) The bananas bought around the world cost about 20 bananas for 1USD here in Honduras (Banana Republic). I've heard people paying like 20 times that in other countries. I mean, of course you can't grow bananas everywhere.. but I think you know where I'm going.

If you live way up north, you could go for peaches or apples instead of bananas. So you would probably design apple orchards instead of banana plantations :D I really love plants, this is why I give the example with farming, but permaculture is way more than just growing food.

[Here's an article] I wrote about how I came to the permaculture world if you wanna check that out.

Disintermediation is where real value lay, decentralization is just a method of handling the lack of an intermediary. However in a sense a block-chain is an intermediary itself, so where we see crypto projects removing a centralized intermediary and replacing it with a decentralized intermediary, this does very little to add value or reduce the costs in a system or process.
The reason the currency application of block-chain works so incredibly well, is that banking has so many intermediaries; if I want to send you money, I have to ask my bank to send your bank some money, so we already have 2 intermediaries involved. If those banks dont have accounts with one-another, they may use a 3rd correspondant bank to execute the transaction. That is for a simple domestic transfer, now if we need to add an international dimension, the number of intermediaries starts to explode, fx brokers, central banks multiple correspondant banks and so forth; every intermediary needs paying, is slow, error prone and able to be corrupted.

Other useful scenarios are supply-chain, energy-supply and any other application where multiple intermediaries are blocking efficient processes.

Very good article, bro. I love it. I have been stuck on idealizing many things, many times in life. Then in some point I see how they set me back, make me inflexible and hard-headed, and also selfish and arrogant. If decentralization is not the way to go, we will find out in the way, and change and evolve better paths. The real beauty comes when we sit back, relax and let things unfold naturally.

Cool. Totally forgot about this one, it’s been so long!

Indeed, evolution moves on... hybrid of centralized and decentralized, quite likely the most functional outcome, in my opinion.

The real beauty comes when we sit back, relax, and let things unfold naturally.

Beautifully said. Timely guidance. 🙏💖