The Neutral Eye

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

The more and more that I progress through my life I look around me and take in information. We are all exposed to and process information 24/7, and the way we interpret this information can alter our view of the world and create a basis for opinions.

 I thought to myself "how can we truly have an opinion that is ours and truly create a personal view of the world with so much influence by companies/marketing, media, interactions... Etc" and I came up with this concept of a neutral eye. 

The basics of this neutral eye is just taking in the information as a raw information source and processing this information with the help of no external sources shutting yourself off from all influence and using the neutral eye. It can be quite hard to look at things neutrally without any influence as we are already influenced from birth to think a certain way. 

How can we think neutrally if our brains are already wired to process information in the way our peers do, in the way our teachers do, in the way we are subconsciously taught to by marketing and media? I cannot quite answer those questions yet, although the best way to describe it is to just accept what you see as it is and to view it logically and as neutrally as possible. I don't believe that I have a neutral eye and I'm not quite sure if it is even possible to have one with the way society is constructed. Nobody questions what they think nor what they are taught to think; things that are just are and that's how it is. We leave the questioning to others and that's why nothing is solved and that's why we live unhappy lives following others instead of making our own path.

In conclusion, at least try to take in information in its rawest form and analyze it for yourself and make your own opinions and live your own life. Don't let people sway your thoughts and opinions, because after all our thoughts and opinions is what makes us who we are wouldn't it be boring if we all lived the same way and did the same things?


i think you might be gay...

Thanks for the reply, but I know for a fact that you are incorrect.