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RE: Uncomfortable thoughts on Equality and Elitism

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

in my subjective opinion that is, that we have many people in the water, who have never operated a boat.

Exactly! I think so too. At least it seems so to me. But i guess this doesnt change anything because i think the "real" Investors know what they are doing, and these are the Guys who bring in serious Money and are able to hold them even when times are rough while Speculators leaving the "sinking" Boat without noticing that it doesnt even sink.

So there are both sides. Everybody has the equal chance to hold their Coins but the People who know what they are doing, have better chances to drive the Boat to the place where it should be and the Guys with the biggest stack have more influence to steer it. Im not an Investor or so, but i think at least this sounds fair.

Thanks for your Post! Its a really good read!^^

P.s: I hope my English was good enough to share my 2 cents. Im not sure if everything fits together grammarwise. ;)


thank you for reading, your msg came across perfectly!