Worries are like rocks and in that, they come in all types and sizes. You can create little pebble size up to boulder size worries. It doesn’t matter what size sooner or later they are going to weigh you down.
Carrying around these rocks is like Sisyphus pushing that rock uphill. Once you stop and rest a moment from worry you have to do it all over again.
Remember Sisyphus who had to push that boulder uphill only to have it row back down and push it again. This is how worry works.
It was Sisyphus’s punishment.
Sisyphus Rolling Rock Up to Hill
We do not have to punish ourselves in a similar manner. In fact, if we quit with the rocks we can remain calm and happy more often.
The worry cycle
Meditation can help get you out of the worry cycle. However, other people will have you looking at more things to worry about.
Being a visual person I came up with this concept of worries being like rocks. And the bigger they are the more stress, the more stress the bigger the rock.
If you hold on to them it weighs you down and creates stress, which can kill you and may end up sitting on your grave.
From my recent cemetery photo shoot using the Canon Rebel
Someone who did not give up pushing the boulder
Gift rocks
If someone offers you a big rock refuse it they are looking for company. And you know the old adage, “Misery loves company.”
Have you ever noticed you start feeling pretty good about everything and someone shows up and tells you why things are not so good?
This happens in relationships with friends, families, and significant others. As a matter of fact, it can happen in public with people you don’t even know.
Someone negative shows up in your life with lots of problems and wants to hand those to you. You have a choice. We all do.
Consider those “not so good” things their rocks and they are being offered to you to carry around. Sometimes especially in close relationships they might just give you their rock and refuse to pick up any more. The situation or mindset is on you by yourself.

Refuse to accept them
Since I invented thinking about worries in this way I refuse to accept others rocks, in this case, my husband’s boulder. He came home with a huge boulder he wanted to share with me. I told him to take that rock and keep it. I am here for him but not his boulders.
Drop your rocks now
I started thinking like this on my own a few days ago and it is becoming a real game changer for me so I thought I would share it with you. I am offering you an opportunity to also drop your rocks and enjoy life.
Good Attitude
Keeping a good attitude lets others know you are not a rock carrier.
I wrote this for me but felt like posting it.
Refuse the bigger rocks, say bye to worries, live a happy life, I loved the way you related the worries with the rocks of different types and sizes
Yes... It is working for me.
I works for all, people just don't try it, they want a hard life and not an easy one
true there life seems to hold a fascination for us with problems.. however we can drop the worries with a little thought
It doesn’t matter what size sooner or later they are going to weigh you down.
For sure if we keep them with ourselves they will hit us and hit us hard.
Good advice. Drop those rocks and move on. Or crush them into diamonds. :)
diamonds are a girl's best friend :)
Attitude is the most important for a human being. We should control our attitude.
Nice to meet you... attitude affects everything in our lives. I agree
@rebeccabe this one is very good. just amazing about philosophy. you are right. meditation makes our mind different but that's good for us. i always trying to keep a good attitude lets others know my self are not a rock carrier. that's great suggesion for us. i will alawyas trying to follow your instruction. i noted it my mind.
Attitude is everything.
Glad to hear you get what I am saying in this post.
Sisyphus Rolling Rock Up to Hill !! how funny video..... I really enjoy this video @rebeccabe..... Very interesting video....
I am glad you enjoyed the video.
Absolutely.. So crush and crumble them early..and do not stumble..
Aha! Good idea to crush them.
rocks or pebbles that let you down will one day weigh you up, have patience, have faith...
right. no need to worry
worries always teach you courage
It is easier for me to be courageous and not worry. It takes courage to know that you don't need to worry. So yes worries teach you courage. I made a decision to turn my back on worries because it can make you sick too.
yesterday I was bit disturbed your post gave me courage
I am happy it helped we all help each other in here. Thanks for letting me know. :)
I hope things went well for you. We must all have courage everyday and enjoy life at the same time.
Sometimes it does feel like we carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. I like your positive take on worries. 🐓🐓
Life is too short to worry about anything. You had better enjoy it because the next day promises nothing.
What if we came here to enjoy life? I agree whatever reason we are here it is too short to spend it worrying which changes nothing.
We are surely here to enjoy life to the fullest.
Such a nice positive thought. Wish i could also delete this worry-rock from my life. But dropping rocks in someone else's life is also very common. In that case, i might end up throwing it back :p lol
Lol good one... take good aim :)
inspiring writing mam...👍
thank you
And the thing about worries is that it does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.
that sounds very poetic ... kind of sad in a way ..
thanks for commenting
The video seems to be ridiculous to me, actually there are many things that are being shown here in reality.
You are right it is ridiculous for us to be pushing rocks or carrying worries.
It is good to see you do have something to say. Thanks for commenting. :)