Well the market strives toward efficiency, maximum efficiency, which implies that the middlemen will eventually compete themselves into extinction.
As more and more competition is introduced, the profit of each middlemen shrinks, and eventually some disruptive blockchain technology comes into existence (as a more competitive pressure) that will just make them extinct entirely.
- Cryptocurrency will do this with payment processors.
- P2P ride sharing will do this with monopolistic/oligopolistic taxi companies
.... and so on, it's a disruptive tsunami we are experiencing right now!
Do you think our concept of currencies will cease to exist or be disrupted by something else, someday? :D
No, I think currency will always exist in some form or another, because we will always need a civilized an strategic quantification of matter.
Even long after we become intergalactic, whenever new resources or land is discovered, it will need to be organized and divided somehow, and one form of currency or another will always have to exist for that purpose.
This will be an interesting topic for us someday :)