Introduction to revolution of mind!

in #philosophy5 years ago


Hello everyone!

I'm continue with Jiddu Krishnamurti to learn more about myself and I will like to share with you some of his remarkable speech which make me really think and helps me to bring understanding on different level with what I'm very happy, because it make my life more simple and understandable.

Hope it will help you too, to work with yourself in better way!

If you have any questions or you want to tell something about this - please share with us and let's discuss to found the truth!

The mind revolution

(part 0)

It seems to me that a totally different kind of morality and conduct, and an action that springs from the understanding of the whole process of living, have become an urgent necessity, in our world of mounting crises and problems. We try to deal with these issues through political and organizational methods, through economic readjustment and various reforms; but none of these things will ever resolve the complex difficulties of human existence, though they may offer temporary relief. All reforms, however extensive and seemingly lasting, are in themselves merely productive of further confusion and further need of reformation. Without understanding the whole complex being of man, mere reformation will bring about only the confusing demand for further reforms. There is no end to reform, and there is no fundamental solution along these lines.

Political, economic or social revolutions are not the answer either, for they have produced appalling tyrannies, or the mere transfer of power and authority into the hands of a different group. Such revolutions are not at any time the way out of our confusion and conflict.

But there is a revolution which is entirely different and which must take place if we are to emerge from the endless series of anxieties, conflicts and frustrations in which we are caught. This revolution has to begin, not with theory and ideas, which eventually prove worthless, but with a radical transformation in the mind itself. Such a transformation can be brought about only through right education and the total development of the human being.

There must be radical transformation in the source and not mere modification of the result. At present we are tinkering with results, with symptoms. We are not bringing about a viral changes, uprooting the old way of thought, freeing the mind from traditions and habits.

To inquiry and to learn is the function of the mind. By learning I do not mean the mere cultivation of memory or the accumulation of knowledge, but the capacity to think clearly and sanely without illusion, to start from facts and not from beliefs and ideals. Learning is possible only when there is no coercion of any kind, and coercion takes many forms, does is not?

It is necessary to encourage the development of a good mind - a mind which is capable of dealing with the many issues of life as a whole, and which does not try to escape from them and so become self-contradictory, frustrated, bitter or cynical. And it is essential for the mind to be aware of its own conditioning, its own motivated and pursuits.

Authority, as the one who knows has no place in learning.

A disciplined mind is never a free mind, nor can a mind that has suppressed desire ever be free. It is only through understanding the whole process of desire that the mind can be free.

Discipline always limits the mind to a movement within the framework of particular system of thought or belief. And such a mind is never free to be intelligent. Intelligence is the capacity to deal with life as a whole, and giving grades or marks to the student does not assure intelligence.

We are concerned with the total development of each human being, helping him to realize his own highest and fullest capacity, not some fictious capacity which the educator has in view as a concept or an ideal. Any spirit of comparison prevents this full flowering of the individual, whether he is to be a scientist or a gardener.

To be continued...

About J.Krishnamurti - My previous post


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