We each have our own story. We are the sum of our experiences;
They shape us, mould us, give rise to our thoughts, our decisions, our actions.
Your Story
Like the driver of a machine, you learn how to move your body early on. You start with the rhythm of the heart beat, in the womb. You grow like the embryos of many vertebrates, starting with the heart, the brain and spinal column. Later you grow limbs and start moving them, familiarising yourself with your body. You hear your mother's voice and start developing connections in the brain as your cells divide and multiply.
At birth you start the rhythm of the breath, start development of the voice that starts as a scream, your only method of communication. Your eyes take in your surroundings as an unsorted jumble of information and your brain works to process and make sense of it.
You experience hunger and thirst as one and all the discomforts of the new environment and your body. You sleep in rhythm with your basic needs in no set routine. You develop with all the new stimulus, the brain builds connections and associations. Breasts with sustenance, mother with comfort.
The pace of time speeds up as we speed through our lives. At three years old, a year is a third of your whole life time. As an adult, each year seems to move faster than the last. We are always looking back, to what was, what might have been, or worrying about what could be round the corner.

But to ‘be’, in the present moment is often overlooked.
As children this is usually the most prominent state of mind. Young children have little concept of ‘tomorrow’ or ‘later’ and will have difficulty remembering what happened last week. Adults are rarely present in the here and now, our society is often full of distractions, not designed for quiet contemplation of existence. We ask many questions as children but by adults, most of us forget the wonder, sink into easy apathy or are too busy to think about the nature of life, let alone appreciate it.
Take a moment to be present. You’re breathing, your heart is beating, these rhythms of life hold you to this existence. It can be difficult to let the wonder surpass the fear of the unknown and think about what it means to be you.

The Body
You, reading this, are a collection of individual cells, cooperating as organs to sustain the the whole, processinging sensory data and translating it into understanding.
Light entering the eyes, hit light-sensitive cells at the back of the eye and are translated into nerve impulses. The impulses are interpreted in the brain, an organ of around 100 billion neurons with 100’s of trillions of branching connections developed since birth. The majority of the organs in the body work to maintain the brain and supporting body with nourishment.
The Mind
The brain is the physical place where the mind resides.
As the language sections of the brain light up, your experiences give meaning to each of the words, and via those trillions of connections, relates it to other related experiences and associated feelings to give context and meaning to the subject as a whole.

Left image simulation of brain cells, Right image, simulation of galaxies
You might visualise computer cable connections or tree-like branches or remember seeing pictures of brain scans or remember bits of an article you read or an interesting conversation you had. The mind conjures thoughts, perception, emotion.
The Observer
The mind is often defined as the activity of the brain itself, but is the mind ‘you’? If you think about it, you can be conscious of yourself and your own understanding of the subject as an observer. The mind is like another sensory input, encountering a problem you compare what you experience in the now with your past memory of similar situations, your logic and reasoning.
Are you just these connections, a quantum decision-making machine? A computer with a body and sensory inputs, simply logging experiences and making mechanical choices?
You have an awareness, both of the external sensory stimuli and the internal stimuli. You have an awareness of yourself, whatever that belief might be. You look in the mirror and identify the image as the vessel in which you control.

Isn’t it incredible that a collection cells, a collection of atoms or wavelengths can contemplate its own existence and the universe as a whole?
You think, therefore you exist.
Our Experience
No two minds are the same, as no two people have had exactly the same experiences. Identical twins come close, but even they are seeing the world from two different perspectives. Nobody can be blamed for what they believe in, for our belief is just our understanding and perspective. We have formed our beliefs from experiences, what we have observed ourselves and what has been communicated to us.

From birth we are taught definitions, distinctions and measurements, this is a dog, that is a cat, four is a bigger number that comes after three. Every new experience is weighed up against our past experiences and judged by the mind. So if you heard someone count one, two, three, five, you instantly recognise the inconsistency with your past understanding and you might decide to correct the speaker or form an opinion about them.

Where there is ignorance or lack of understanding, it is easier to be misled as there are fewer prior beliefs to weigh up against the new information. The more we experience in the world, the better we are able to interpret it, each new connection adding to an overall picture of understanding.
The Field
In recent times we have seen a merging. Of what is outside and observable with what’s inside and barely touched by mainstream science. With quantum theory arises the subject of consciousness.
“I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.”
– Max Planck, theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, which won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918
Nearly 100 years later, we are still just scratching the surface of what Planck was talking about.
Quantum physics tells us that at the subatomic scale everything in the universe has a wave-like nature. We can visualise this as a field of fluctuating energy where probability determines the outcome of any individual event. Particles are actually waveforms themselves, there is nothing in this universe that can't be described as a field of energy or frequencies.
“It was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent way without reference to consciousness.”
– Eugene Wigner, theoretical physicist and mathematician. He received a share of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1963
We are all just frequencies and vibrations interacting with other frequencies and vibrations. The universe we see around us is but a projection inside the infinite universal subconscious.

Our existence is like a shared dream, only an infinite one. The Universe can be seen as different layers of the same consciousness, different layers of frequency in an infinite field. While we may not have access to it all yet, we are beginning to get a glimpse of the bigger picture.
With quantum field, the many worlds interpretation, biocentrism, and fractal-holographic universe theories we are exploring the natures of our existence in ways that unite the great divide in our understanding of the cosmos. We are beginning to investigate the observer and not just the observed.
The Universe creates duality (the illusion of separateness) so that it can look back upon itself and to learn from itself. Conscious beings are not just some fluke appearance, but the natural result of a conscious universe continuously striving to better its understanding of itself. We humans are waking up and our worldview is expanding. We are all just the universe, learning to know itself.
The conflicts we see in the world are a result of differing beliefs, different understandings and different perspectives on the world. They are also a reflection of the imbalance within ourselves. Emotions and mind provide constant conflicts but it is when we still the mind, we find the solutions arise out of nowhere. When we can look both inside ourselves and outside the box of our own existence, we can connect with the universal field within us all.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
– Albert Einstein
With the internet, we now have the means to explore and communicate together on a large scale, combining our minds, our ideas, our philosophies to find the answers we seek.
We are more united than we can imagine.
I only wish to ask the questions and contribute to the ongoing discussion, believing there is, and will always be, a lot more to discover.
Thanks for reading!
Let's all learn together and advance.
"The pace of time speeds up as we speed through our lives. At three years old, a year is a third of your whole life time. As an adult, each year seems to move faster than the last." These are like my exact thoughts. Completely agree with you here. I also enjoyed the comparison of nerve cells in the brain and galaxy filaments. One of the best posts I've read in a while.
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed. We are really more connected than we can imagine :)
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I accept :)
I submitted your post to to curie and for a while i thought it was not going to be approved but i did not want to believe that because this is a master piece. probably the reviewer enjoyed your work to the extent that he just kept reading it over and over again. all the same it is all just to encourage you. i will stay glued to you wall to get more of yhu and i know yhu have more in store for me. expect me in seven days time.
keep up the good work
Wow, thank you very much!
Captivated by this post... It takes you to another dimension. Reading this I realized how small of a fraction to this divine cosmos I am, but at the same time it brought to my attention how exquisite we are as human beings. If Im ever feeling down or discouraged Im sure Ill come back to this post to remind myself of my magic as a person. Loved this, ready for more! xx
Thank you very much for reading! I thought I replied to this but there must have been a transaction error.
We are all incredible really, and we have more power than we realise.
Glad you enjoyed :)
I absolutely loved this: you have insights that the world needs to hear more. I believe that we are here for our stories, as in a mechanical universe, what else is there to do but forget the mechanisms of the clock and enjoy the ride?
We are entering a brave new world. The history of humanity can be said to be evolving along one factor: how interconnected we as individuals are. The single most important factor that has been evolving with our knowledge and subsequent technology is our means of communicating. Following this into the future, we are rapidly approaching direct brain-to-brain communication.
That alone will improve humanity's potential than everything up to this point. We can see the beginning of this with the internet. We are seeing more and more how each of us are part of a singular being: how we are all one. That belief is going to explode into universal certainty once we can beam our thoughts to one another directly and "see" just how similar we all are.
This is something we need to be preparing for, and I'm so glad to see posts like this from people acting as the angler, shining the prismatic light of awakening for people to see and hopefully click with. I'm involved with a group called Earth Nation, and we're doing the same while working on solutions to provide unconditionally for everyone. As more come online with this philosophy we share, our potential grows exponentially as we come to see our collective as a garden we should all care for.
Working together, we can make all of our stories everything we ever wanted.
We are evolving into a more connected and united existence. I am a big follower of the Ubuntu Movement and the Venus project, I will check out Earth Nation too! We each have the means to change the world. By working together in cooperation rather than competition, we can have abundance for all while saving the planet :)
Thank you x
Here is our website. The homecenter has a lot of information about what the EN is currently doing, ways you can get involved, and what our short- and long-term goals are. We're also big followers of the Ubuntu movement and Venus project: we're working on creating widespread alliances with the systems we are creating.
Abundance is one of the core ideals we are trying to manifest; everyone creating their unique abundance and sharing for resources they lack. The world is ready for an upgrade, but it can only be achieved as a collective.
That looks like a great project, I have actually been thinking of something similar myself. It would be great if there was some kind of an app that could unite all networks like this together, where people can create and follow projects and connect together with those around them. Gamified participation to connect with the disconnected.
An app is something that I have thought of as well, but there are other systems we're working on that take priority at the moment.
Gamification is something the Earth Nation really embodies. We have a number of onboarding systems which are designed to teach as you play with us. I've been at our headquarters a week and I feel like I've been here a year; there's so much I'm taking in.
This project is MASSIVE. It extends beyond the Earth Nation. The EN is a facilitator, uniting all the individual communities, cooperative businesses, humanitarian organizations, and change agents around the globe into one decentralized network that evenly distributes resources and power.
Interesting topic you got there.
Outstanding post! Sometimes it is hard to enjoy the present moment because we are so busy with our rat race lives. We forget that we will only be on this little round planet for the blink of an eye. And yes we have been shaped by experiences that is why two people can have such different opinions on life.
Consider here we have a good topic that we can add or discus a lot about it because the early first concern on the humans exists the most interesting question was who we are and why are here ... from my side i consider there arnt simple answers and the most beautiful thing that we are always keep looking for the truth and that's the most enjoyable about life journey
If I think about it, I think humanity is lost on who we are and where we are going, I mean this questions can't be answered by anyone now. This questions can be compared to high level things in game which you see from level one but not even can't afford but cannot use as well. Philosophy is truly a collective whatever it is. I don't want to call philosophy science because it is not giving answers it gives questions which you can't answer but by spending time on them you experience yourself and others. I haven't finished reading whole article although I find it very qualite, because I find it more interesting looking not from the point of view of experiences but from the point of imagining and understanding new abstractions and from them go back to the experiences with the alternative verbal paths.
off course there aren't a certain answer for these questions but just looking for a one that is what make the life worth and more fun because there are alot of opinions describe that,,,, For now you can get more complex answers which is make you feel the beauty of this gift of the life ... by the god
I think the answers we all seek would need to include all aspects of our experience. We build on our understanding, starting with trying to define rules and connections from our observations.
We observe the world around us -
Physics, Chemistry, Biology
We also observe ourselves -
philosophy, psychology, sociology, spirituality...
We are not lost, we have left ourselves breadcrumb trails. We have the power of the internet so that we can connect together, giving voice to our perspectives, so that we can find our way :)
Exactly, and the more you find, the more you want to know!
Perhaps we are here just to ask the questions and expand. All the answers cannot come from any single person, only by combining multiple perspectives can we find the truth :)
I have lots of questions...
that's good you have a lot of question because it will expand your mind and your point of view for every things ... i think it is the wiser say dont ever stop ask and more complex question's you ask more interesting answers you get ....just keep ahead .....
Nice work again! worthy of our attention!
Really great post! I love the concept you were talking about when saying you can not blame someone for their beliefs. Our past experiences define us whether we like it or not. People that are very intune with their mind may be able to alter the perception and understanding of past experiences for their own personal gain but not everyone can do that!
Again, really great post
Thank you! Indeed it can be tough to look at ourselves objectiveley. We must remember that without those experiences we would not be who we are today. The past is good for learning from, but not good for dwelling on. We must accept that we don't have all the answers before we can expand our understanding.
Consider here we have a good topic that we can add or discus a lot about it because the early first concern on the humans exists the most interesting question was who we are and why are here ... from my side i consider there arnt simple answers and the most beautiful thing that we are always keep looking for the truth and that's the most enjoyable about life journey
Outstanding post! Sometimes it is hard to enjoy the present moment because we are so busy with our rat race lives. We forget that we will only be on this little round planet for the blink of an eye. And yes we have been shaped by experiences that is why two people can have such different opinions on life.
Thank you very much! Yes, the rat race is designed to keep us from questioning, keep us continuously distracted from our inner awareness. The present moment is all we really have, we are not just watching the movie, we are the movie, we choose which path to take, which thoughts to act on. We all have the power to think and communicate those thoughts, those questions, and every perspective, now we have the means to share them globally.
great post, thanks
Consider here we have a good topic that we can add or discus a lot about it because the early first concern on the humans exists the most interesting question was who we are and why are here ... from my side i consider there arnt simple answers and the most beautiful thing that we are always keep looking for the truth and that's the most enjoyable about life journey
Wow. I'm loving this. Glad to see there are some like-minded thinkers out there. You inspire me to share some of my own musings. :)
Excellent read.. like felix said this has enough information to leave you thinking about the things you assume you already knew, but craving more after a few minutes of deep thought... I'm going to follow you, this is my cup of tea...
cheers mate
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