Christianity lost me at the age of 5, when I had a discussion with my mom about the amount of toilet paper I should use, and she told me god would watch me even there. I think this was also a key moment to questioning authority overall.
Thanks mom!
Christianity lost me at the age of 5, when I had a discussion with my mom about the amount of toilet paper I should use, and she told me god would watch me even there. I think this was also a key moment to questioning authority overall.
Thanks mom!
Privacy is so obsolete! God watches how much toilet paper we all use.
And don't you wonder how the modern public toilet knows that you just stood up and that it's time to flush?
They do say the NSA is everywhere...
Yeah, and I seriously trust them to really save my toilet metadata if possible. Courts will hopefully protect the contents at least!
I guess you live without smartphone and internet also right now for the same reason(?) Or did she not tell you about that yet?
Why? It wasn't fear of someone watching me. It started a process of thought, which finally resulted in not believing any religious stories any more. I've always questioned everything with reason, religions don't withstand that.
Age 5? Wow, congratulations!
It was a process I guess. I don't remember a lot of my childhood, so this situation definitely made a big impression. I learned reading at that same age, spent a lot of time studying the bible, and also received the communion with 7 or 8. I know for sure that I didn't believe anything that happened there.
I resorted to praying once, when I couldn't find a toy or something in my mess around the age of 10. But I quickly realized how silly that was :D
I knew the answer at the age of 10, don't need to read those today: imaginary friends can't talk ;)
Unless you prayed to St. Anthony, and he helped you find your lost toy ;).